national-patriotic training, humanitarian training, National Guard of Ukraine, hybrid warAbstract
The article conducts research on the study of national-patriotic training in the National Guard of Ukraine. It is established that today's events clearly demonstrate the emergence of numerous crisis situations that threaten the national security of Ukraine. The hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation also includes elements of the information war, which affect the citizens of Ukraine and complicate the Joint Forces operation in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Therefore, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have introduced national-patriotic training.
It is noted that such changes do not apply to the National Guard of Ukraine. Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine are studying humanitarian training. It is determined that today the issue of changing the name of humanitarian training to national-patriotic is being resolved, as the content of national-patriotic training is aimed at forming the state worldview and national consciousness, which are based on military knowledge of historical processes of nation-building, military traditions of Ukrainian military formations and the modern National Guard of Ukraine, while humanitarian training was considered mostly as a subject of study.
The purpose of the article is to conduct a study to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern formation and development of national-patriotic training in the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as to provide appropriate practical recommendations.
The article concludes that the transformation into national-patriotic training is an important step, because the integration processes taking place in Ukraine, Euro-Atlantic integration, the awakening of civic and social initiative, the emergence of various social movements, the spread of volunteerism overlaid with technological and communicative globalization, migration changes within society, identification and reidentification processes in the personal development of a Ukrainian, occur against the background of a surge of interest and expression of patriotic feelings and new attitudes to the history, culture, religion, traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people.
It is substantiated that when changing the name from humanitarian to national-patriotic training, it is necessary to pay attention to the preservation of all its inherent elements, such as the formation and development of relevant worldviews, ideological beliefs, patriotic and moral qualities combined with teaching and consideration of questions required for self-study. Proposals for improving the implementation and effectiveness of national-patriotic training in the National Guard of Ukraine are substantiated.
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