tear gas, rational tactical scheme, atmospheric stability class, mass disturbance, special operationAbstract
The article presents the content of the developed method of determining rational tactical schemes of application of tear gas against aggressive participants of mass disturbance. The developed method, in contrast to the existing ones, differs in the complex consideration of the factors influencing the final result of application, namely: the general plan of the senior operational chief in part of influence of tear gas on aggressive crowd; meteorological parameters and elements of the tactical situation; tactical and technical characteristics of tear gas; the selected level of concentration of lacrimal substance.
Conceptual changes which will provide effective influence of active substance on participants of mass disturbance in certain conditions of meteorological and tactical situation are revealed, namely:
‒ periodic, in real time, determination of the parameters of the current meteorological situation in the area of a special operation to stop mass disturbance, namely ‒ the class of atmospheric stability, direction and wind speed;
‒ determination of valid for the current weather situation and characteristics of the applied type of special means the sizes of a zone of defeat of the set concentration which can be formed as a result of operation of special means. For this purpose, an advanced mathematical model of «heavy gas» scattering is used. The improvement of the model is to take into account the horizontal and vertical variances ( і ) for the case of urban development, which allows adequately describing the scattering of aerosols with low emission mass in urban conditions. As a result, it is possible to quickly calculate in real time rational tactical schemes, which are adapted to the meteorological situation in the area of the special operation and the characteristics of the applied special tool.
The developed method allows the head of the special operation to obtain quickly in real time options for the effective use of special means against participants in mass disturbance based on the tactical and meteorological conditions prevailing in the area of special operations.
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