information-analytical support, information-analytical system, National Guard of Ukraine, grouping, decision-making support, directions of development, ontological approach, cognitive services, ontology, taxonomyAbstract
The article defines the essence and level of information and analytical support of the National Guard of Ukraine and provides the main terminological basis for understanding the results of the study. It is established that the state of information and analytical infrastructure does not meet modern challenges in supporting decision-making for the operational use of groups of the National Guard of Ukraine. The main directions of development of information and analytical support of the National Guard of Ukraine are given. It is shown that the formation of a single information infrastructure of the National Guard of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in general, it is advisable to implement the principles of open taxonomies.
The analysis of the state of development of information systems allowed to identify the following main issues that need to be addressed for the effective creation and implementation of information-analytical systems: imperfection of mechanisms for implementing interactive services for user experts; lack of effective procedures for the use of intelligent means of processing information resources in the subject area; almost complete absence of mechanisms for consolidation of information resources and documents used in management decision-making processes.
To select and justify cognitive services such as information and analytical system to support decision-making for the operational use of groups of the National Guard of Ukraine, a multi-criteria comparative analysis of modern information and analytical systems. It is shown that the evaluation should be performed on the basis of the following criteria, which indicate the presence or absence of procedures for obtaining knowledge in the process of processing textual information.
The scope, purpose, features, functions and structure of information-analytical systems to support decision-making for the operational use of groups of the National Guard of Ukraine are revealed, as well as the basic methodological principles of creating such systems are formulated. As an example, the order of interaction in the environment of the information-analytical system of the National Guard of Ukraine for the case of protection of special cargoes is given.
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