National Guard of Ukraine, regime, security, community, public safety, law, orderAbstract
The article, based on the author's approaches to the definition of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the issue, based on the scientific views of domestic researchers, as well as the position of the legislator, set out in regulations argues that public safety is essentially a regulated legal regim, which are entrusted to the National Guard of Ukraine.
The main elements of such a legal regime are the normal functioning of infrastructure elements, human and civil rights and freedoms of all, without exception, members of a particular community (or the whole country), as well as other elements that may, if destroyed, adversely affect normal life people and citizens.
It is proved that the normative regulation of the National Guard of Ukraine provides for the emergence of its legal obligation not only to ensure public safety, but to do so only in the manner prescribed by current legislation of Ukraine and solely in the interests of society, knowing what is a threat in a community what not.
The author expressed the position that the analyzed responsibilities of the National Guard of Ukraine, which relate purely to the process of public security by the guard within its competence, give grounds to claim that the author reached the correct conclusion about the content and direction of the National Guard of Ukraine. Because all, without exception, responsibilities directly or indirectly indicate the need for the National Guard of Ukraine to perform its duties in a particular area, as well as ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms to the extent that they feel protected and able to live in the usual rhythm.
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