serviceman, National Guard of Ukraine, motivation, motivational-volitional sphere, choice of profession, psychological characteristicsAbstract
The article presents the results of studying the characteristics of the life orientations of the military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine with different combat experience, which affect the professional choice. The psychological characteristics of the motivational sphere of officers and servicemen of military service under the contract are revealed. The interrelationship between the meaningfulness of life and some aspects of motivation has been established.
It has been determined that the independent choice of a profession by servicemen of both categories increases the level of meaningfulness in life, and the motives of the non-independent choice somewhat slow down the meaningfulness of life attitudes.
It has been established that a high level of meaningfulness of life by contract servicemen is achieved due to the expressiveness of institutional motives, indicates the leading importance of the motivational potential of the service; pragmatic motives expressing a clear tendency to achieve success in the professional sphere and motives of military-professional interaction were especially noted by servicemen with combat experience.
The life position of officers is positively influenced by motives associated with objective socially defined goals and the content of the profession, independent choice of profession and motives associated with personal development and professional improvement. The components of the officers' motivation are: the service process, external tangible results, awards, belonging to the group and support of its significant members, obtaining the desired status, self-improvement, the desire to achieve a higher level of competence, the desire for self-expression. Recognition of professional achievements and success by the entourage supports the desire for professional development and improvement among officers with combat experience.
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