addictive behavior, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, a priori ranking, service and combat activities, extreme conditions, National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article reflects the results of expert assessment of the factors influencing the occurrence of chemical forms of addictive behavior in servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. The largest weighting factor influencing the propensity of NGU servicemen to alcohol dependence were determined: participation in hostilities and related extreme situations (death of colleagues and work with their bodies, injuries while performing an operational and combat mission, use of weapons to defeat. Feelings of guilt for the death of colleagues (civilians); experience of captivity and related features of life after release (relationships in the military, family); loss of loved ones (deaths in the last two years); in the family where the serviceman was brought up there were facts of alcohol or drug addiction. The lowest weighting factors are: protests against prohibitions or hyperopia, on the part of parents; official conflict (with an individual comrade, with the military team of his or another unit, with the command of the unit, military unit).
The weighting factor of factors influencing drug use by servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine is determined as follows. The largest weighting factor: in the family where the serviceman was brought up there were facts of alcohol or drug addiction; peculiar conditions of upbringing at a young age; upbringing in an incomplete or disadvantaged family (orphanage); lack of care and control from parents; social availability of psychoactive substances (price, websites, delivery, etc.) and poor awareness of the serviceman about the harm of the substance (drug) to health and the emergence of drug addiction (confidence that after one or more attempts at the drug, addiction will not occur); experience of domestic violence (physical, moral, financial); lack of favorite business, hobby; a lot of free time that is not accompanied by any activity and the need to occupy yourself with something. The lowest weighting factor: excessive physical (work) load; lack of prospects for a serviceman in a significant area (professional, family collapse).
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