National Guard of Ukraine, international cooperation, role, significance, law enforcement functions, UkraineAbstract
The article examines the role and importance of international cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine. The main directions of international cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine are determined and revealed. Perspective tasks have been identified, the implementation of which will ensure effective cooperation and development of bilateral relations with foreign military formations with law enforcement functions. It was emphasized that international cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the Institute of International Cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine is the tool that allows to fully ensure the protection of international security and the rights and fundamental freedoms of man and citizen.
It has been established that international cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine. Its main directions: assimilation and use of international experience of other guard (law enforcement) bodies; organization and implementation of joint international projects (including research projects; cooperation in the field of crime prevention; training of National Guard personnel) (retraining, advanced training) in foreign countries.
It is emphasized that the importance of international cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine is difficult to overestimate, because with the help of international cooperation it is possible to regulate the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine with other law enforcement services and agencies so as to provide all necessary conditions for the National Guard of Ukraine. to fight crime, ensure peace and order.
It is emphasized that the institute of international cooperation of the National Guard of Ukraine is the tool that allows to fully ensure the protection of international security and the rights and fundamental freedoms of man and citizen.
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