public administration, public-private partnerships, logistical support, security forces, state security, areas of improvement, concept, strategyAbstract
World experience proves that in the conditions of the post-crisis recovery of the state in general, and the national economy in particular, the introduction of such a promising mechanism of cooperation between state authorities, local self-government bodies, business and civil society as a public-private partnership will contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks of logistical support of the security forces of the sector security and defense.
The purpose of the article is to study the legal foundations of public-private partnership management in the logistical support of the security forces, as well as strategic directions of their development for the formation of ways to improve the management mechanisms of the public-private partnership in the logistical support of the security forces of Ukraine.
The analysis of normative legal sources, scientific research and practice of implementation of public-private partnership in Ukraine confirms that this sphere is in its infancy. At the same time, issues of substantiating directions for improving the development of public-private partnership in the field of ensuring national security in general, and in the logistical support of the security forces of Ukraine in particular, are left out of consideration.
The presence of various forms of contractual relations within the framework of public-private partnership complicates the formation of a unified approach to the development of a mechanism for the development of public-private partnership. In order to solve this problematic issue, the State Government developed the Concept of the Development of Public-Private Partnership in Ukraine for 2013-2018. However, the implementation of the concept did not provide the expected results. Therefore, the issue of developing conceptual foundations for the development of public-private partnership is still timely.
It is appropriate to develop not conceptual legal acts, but strategic ones. The basis of the concept of the strategy for the development of public-private partnership management mechanisms in the logistical support of the security forces of Ukraine is the development of approaches to the assessment and forecasting of risks in the sphere of the functioning of public-private relations. The structure of developing a suitable strategy can be four component strategies: informational and analytical; analytical and diagnostic part; conceptual and indicative part; predictive part.
The directions of further scientific research will be aimed at the development of mechanisms for managing public-private partnerships in the logistical support of the security forces of Ukraine.
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