CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC METHODS «ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION OF A MILITARY SERVANT», servicema, service-combat activity, motivation, psychological features, the National Guard of Ukraine, psychodiagnostic techniqueAbstract
Before the start of hostilities, the National Guard of Ukraine was fully focused on law enforcement, but with the full-scale Russian invasion of the entire border and from Belarus to Ukraine, it became clear that the existing system of assessing the motivation of candidates for the National Guard of Ukraine requires the definition of adequate motivation for professional activity, selection or development of new psychodiagnostic techniques.
Focusing on the content, structure, and typology of the motivational-volitional sphere and its connection with the effectiveness of military service, the results of the developed methodology «Assessment of motivation of professional activity of servicemen» are presented.
The text of the questionnaire contains 180 questions (direct and reverse), and there are 6 answer options (from 0 to 5 points). Scores are calculated for each scale, block, and method as a whole. For the calculation of generalized scores (according to the block and the method as a whole) weights were introduced according to the importance of the indicator in the structure of professional motivation.
The developed method has satisfactory psychometric indicators, is internally consistent, and is able to differentiate the sample of servicemen by status, experience, and experience of participation in hostilities. A study to determine the constructive validity of the methodology showed that the indicators of the method «Assessment of professional motivation of servicemen» have direct correlations with the motivation to choose a law enforcement profession and personal maturity and resources with psychological readiness for risk. To control the social desirability of the answers, it is necessary to use the scale of sincerity, which should be calculated first.
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