
  • Oleksandr Oleshchenko
  • Oleksandr Iohov
  • Serhii Bielai



information and analytical model, components of the information process, state of emergency, military command, management system


  • Modern management during law enforcement actions is characterized by periodic changes in the conditions for obtaining information, short terms for its processing, and the vagueness of its formal description. The need to reduce the time cycle of management leads to the strengthening of the role of complex automation of receiving, processing and visualization of information flows.
  • Thus, in the scientific work, the issue of the synthesis of the structures of combat systems is considered, but for a separate type of troops. The works are devoted to the consideration of the basic concepts of the construction of troops (forces) and the criteria for the creation of combat groups. However, these works practically do not contain sufficient theoretical justifications for the composition and structure of the information support system of the military command during law enforcement operations.
  • The purpose of the article is to improve the model of information and analytical support of the functional structure of the military command management system during law enforcement actions, which ensures taking into account the conditions of receiving, processing and visualization of information flows during an emergency and significant factors that affect the achievement of the goal of law enforcement actions.
  • The developed model of information and analytical provision of the structure of the military command management system for the performance of tasks in the emergency area allows to ensure the requirements regarding the capabilities of the military command management system and its effectiveness, which will contribute to the high-quality performance of the assigned tasks in the emergency area.
  • In the article, an improved model of information and analytical support of the military command management system during actions to protect law and order in the area of a state of emergency is developed, which, unlike those known on the basis of the axiomatic foundations of the theory of complex systems, performs an analysis of the structural and functional components of the military command management system depending on the tasks and functions of law enforcement forces and allows taking into account the interrelationship of indicators and factors of emergency conditions when analyzing the state of information support of military command management processes.
  • The directions of further scientific investigations will be aimed at researching the issue of substantiation of the system of information and analytical support of the security forces of the security and defense sector of Ukraine under the conditions of the legal regime of martial law.


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