competence, competence approach, formation of competencies, educational process, martial lawAbstract
Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine has significantly changed the conditions of the educational process at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, the worldview of cadets as active participants in the educational process. There was a reassessment of the importance of certain general and special competencies that are formed in them, their impact on learning outcomes. To take into account the above in the educational process of NANGU in the new conditions was conducted a study involving cadets in major 254 "Military acquisition and procurement", educational program "Linguistic support and communication" of bachelor educational level, the results of which are presented in this work. The analysis of the scientific literature conducted in the process of preparation of the work showed that most of these works relate to the training of future officers in peacetime and do not reflect the specifics of training in martial law. However, it is obvious that the consideration of the procedure for the formation of individual competencies of cadets during martial law has some transformations associated with existing realities on the one hand and changes in the minds of cadets on the other, which required a study work.
As part of the purpose of this study, 73 cadets were interviewed (88 % of the total number of cadets in this specialty). Standard google tools were used for the survey. The obtained results showed the presence of significant changes in the worldview of cadets regarding their attitude to mastering the chosen specialty. Their views on the future of the world and Ukraine, family relationships, and a reassessment of values have also changed.
Particular attention is drawn to the second part of the survey, devoted to the study of the transformation of cadets' views on the formation of general and special competencies in their chosen educational and professional program. The research clarified the position of cadets in all competencies reflected in the educational program. Due to its limited scope, the most important transformations that need to be urgently taken into account when organizing the educational process at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine under martial law are reflected directly in the work. The full materials of the research will be covered in further scientific works of the author.
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