professional growth of officers, system of professional development, motivation system, components of professional development structureAbstract
There are issues that require a complete and integral adequate model for solving the problem in developing components of security and defense sectors.
The level of professionalism of military experts is conditioned by the state of professional development first, that equals to the level of professional development and motivation. These components are the basis of the high level of professionalism provided the criteria of moral and psychological level, strong-willed qualities, personal characteristics.
During the research process a structural analysis of the professional growth of law enforcement officers is carried out to determine the factors that have a positive and negative impact that will allow to adjust, make changes completely restructure the process to achieve the results we need.
For solving the problems of research the questionnaire was developed to study the state of training and motivation systems for officers and the general level of professional development of officers of military formations.
The comparison of the professional development processes of National Guard of Ukraine and Armed Forces of Ukraine made it possible to identify the most successful areas of development of systems and determine the impact of resonating factors.
Reviewed the practical component of motivation systems, professional growth of officers, their significance in the general system of National Guard of Ukraine functioning.
The features of the influence of professional development in the context of officer's activities as a self-doer and the element of the system.
Considered the compatibility of motivation systems, professional development of officers with the need for implementing the correct support of the professional growth of officers as an expert of the elected direction of activities with definitions of potential achievements in the career to grow.
The influence of professional development on the officer as an individual personality, requiring self-actualization has been analyzed. The active involvement of motivation and professional development systems in this process is determined by the dominating, determining further line of the research.
It has been substantiated the need of improvement motivation systems, professional development, professional growth of officers by developing up-to-date motivation models and professional development that will be acceptable in terms of resource costs.
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