state border, inviolability of the state border, protection of the state border, national security, security of the state border, sphere of state border security, crisis situation in the sphere of state border securityAbstract
In the article, on the basis of the operational experience of the bodies and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, armed conflicts, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the legal framework, the issues related to the understanding of the state border as an object of the national security system and its protection are investigated.It has been proven that the principle of the inviolability of state borders is a logical continuation of the principle of territorial integrity of states and constitutes one of the most important bases of security. The main content of the principle of inviolability of borders can be reduced to three elements: recognition of existing borders as legally established in accordance with international law; refusal of any territorial encroachments at the moment or in the future; refusal of any other encroachments on these borders.The main content of the principle of the inviolability of the state border is: 1) preventing illegal changes to its line; 2) ensuring compliance with the state border regime and the border regime; 3) countermeasures against the illegal movement of people across the state border, illegal migration, human trafficking, as well as the illegal movement of weapons, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, ammunition, explosives, materials and objects prohibited for movement across the state border; 4) cessation of provocations, incidents and conflicts at the state border.Theoretical approaches to the understanding of the state border and its protection have been improved, which consists of following concepts: "state border security", "state border security sphere", "state policy in the sphere of state border security", "crisis situation in the sphere of state border security".
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