crisis situations, national security, state security, security forces, state administrationAbstract
It has been established that at today's stage of development of the democratic Ukrainian society, security issues come to the fore. Mechanisms for responding to crisis situations occupy a special place in the state's national security system. The appropriate level of provision of the state and the population against the threat of crisis situations that threaten national security is a guarantee of sustainable development of society, and this proves the relevance of the chosen research topic.
The purpose of the article is the scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the phenomenon of crisis situations that threaten national security and the provision of practical recommendations for further improvement and development of appropriate response mechanisms of the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
It was determined that modern conflicts require a comprehensive solution, as well as the participation of various departments, power structures and organizations in ensuring the safety of citizens, protecting the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, in eliminating grave consequences, etc. Under such conditions, the security forces of the security and defense sector of Ukraine play an important role. Today, global globalization processes contribute to the emergence and aggravation of armed conflicts of various levels of intensity. Therefore, the modern theory of international law includes international organizations (UN, NATO, etc.) as possible subjects of international armed conflicts. In addition, recent events in the world clearly show the growth of terrorist attacks, and later military conflicts, based on the processes of globalization.
Analyzing the normative legal documents that regulate the defining principles of the functioning of the national security system, it was established that a new term "crisis situations that threaten the national security of Ukraine" was introduced, which characterizes the situation on the eve of the introduction of a special period. These terms are also used in the terminological apparatus used during the response of the components of the security and defense sector to threats to the national security of Ukraine. A key point during the emergence of crisis situations is the introduction of appropriate response mechanisms that require the involvement of additional forces and resources.
It was determined that in further scientific research it is necessary to substantiate the proposals for solving the scientific problem regarding the functioning and development of mechanisms for responding to crisis situations that threaten the national security of Ukraine.
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