critical infrastructure, security and defense sector, crisis situations, state security, protection systemAbstract
It was determined that in the conditions of armed confrontation on the territory of Ukraine, crisis situations constantly arise, threatening the safety of critical infrastructure facilities. In connection with the armed aggression on the territory of Ukraine, significant losses were caused, namely more than 30 % of critical infrastructure objects were damaged. Therefore, the armed aggression against Ukraine became an impetus for large-scale and structural reforms in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine. In this aspect, the task of forming a system of protection of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine arises. Issues of substantiation of the system of protection of critical infrastructure objects at the state level were almost not studied, which determined the relevance of this scientific study.
The analysis of legal acts regulating the powers of the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, which are relied upon for the formation and/or implementation of state policy in the field of critical infrastructure protection, proved that to date the largest contribution to ensuring the security of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine is in parts of the immediate protection and defense are carried out by units and units of the National Guard of Ukraine. In the field of cyber security of critical infrastructure facilities, as well as reconnaissance and subversive activities, the main efforts are made by the bodies and units of the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, while units and units of the National Service of Ukraine also participate. When the issues of prevention and liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations due to accidents at critical infrastructure facilities are already raised, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine already plays the "first violin", but units and units of the National Guard of Ukraine also take a direct part in similar crisis situations. Therefore, the invaluable role and place of the National Guard of Ukraine in the protection of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine became the motivation for conducting this study.
It has been established that the Concept of creating a state critical infrastructure protection system for the creation of an organizational and institutional structure for the functioning of the state critical infrastructure protection system provides for the implementation of a number of measures at the national, regional, branch level, as well as at the local and object level, which to date are still almost not fulfilled Therefore, the organization of critical infrastructure security is a complex process that includes not only security mechanisms, but also coordination and management aspects. For the effective functioning of this system, highly qualified specialists in training, retraining and practical experience are needed.
The directions of further scientific research will be aimed at the development of conceptual models of the functioning of the forces and means of formations of the National Guard of Ukraine among the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine regarding the performance of tasks for the protection of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine both in peacetime and during crisis situations, and also in the conditions of the special period.
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