legal regulation, state administration, military administration, National Guard of Ukraine, institution of higher education, compensation, cost, maintenanceAbstract
Issues related to the organization of the activities of military structures have always been and will be one of the relevant areas of scientific research in various fields. The procedure for completing military service can be an element of the subject of the study of science in the field of administrative law, as a tool for the analysis of social relations in the sphere of public administration, on the one hand, and the system of legal norms studying their regulation, on the other.
Legal regulation of order with persuasion and coercion is part of the legal functional methods of state management of the essence, which has a legal impact on the socio-legal sphere and its individual elements in the process of social relations, the main participant of which is the state government.
An important part of the organizational activity of the structural components of the security and defense sector of the state, as part of the state management mechanism, is to ensure the effectiveness of personnel training and optimization of state budget expenditures in this area.
In cases of early termination of the contract for military service in officer positions by individual graduates of higher military educational institutions, the implementation of compensatory mechanisms implemented by the state is ensured against such persons incurring expenses related to their maintenance in higher education institutions, including by conducting claims lawsuit work.
The article examines separate issues of legal regulation of the process of reimbursement of expenses related to maintenance in institutions of higher education during studies by officers who have not served the five-year term of military service in the relevant positions established by law.
On the basis of the analysis of the legislation and taking into account the results of practical activities in the specified area, recommendations were made aimed at optimizing the conduct of claims and lawsuits in this category of cases.
Separate algorithms of actions are proposed, the task of which is to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of compensatory mechanisms for compensation by officers, dismissed from military service on the grounds specified by law, of costs associated with their retention in institutions of higher education, including by conducting claims and lawsuits work.
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