operational planning, logistics security, planning stagesAbstract
The authors of the article analyzed the peculiarities of planning logistic support of multinational operations carried out by the armed forces of NATO member countries. The planning process at the operational level was taken as a basis. The process of planning logistical support is fully integrated into the general process of operational planning and is complex, which requires solving the tasks of timely delivery and replenishment of weapons, military equipment and material and technical means of the troops in order to achieve the optimal level of logistics for the performance of tasks. Operational level logistics covers a large volume of tasks, the main ones of which are: management and provision of material and technical means; maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment, their movement and transportation; organization of logistics from suppliers to troops, etc. Logistics is vital to any military operation. Without this type of security, it would not be possible to conduct and support operations, in particular, those conducted outside the territory of NATO member states.
The procedure for the work of logistics support officials of the joint headquarters, which is created to plan the use of forces and means in a joint operation, is considered. The scheme of the organization of logistical support of a multinational NATO operation in the general system of operational planning, as well as the scheme of the organization of operational planning during the development of a plan for the joint supply of material means (logistics support plan) is presented. The procedure for carrying out a logistical assessment of the situation is revealed and an example of determining the necessary information for carrying out a logistical assessment is given.
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