engineering support, engineering works, important state facility, defense, engineering equipment, survivabilityAbstract
The article examines the system of building the defense area of the battalion of the National Guard of Ukraine for the protection and defense of an important state object. Engineering support is considered, namely the sequence of engineering (fortification) works and their impact on the survivability of the National Guard of Ukraine unit for the protection and defense of an important state facility. It was determined that the performance of engineering works of the first stage ensures the survivability of the unit at the level of 0,4‒0,5. That is, unit losses as a result of enemy influence will be 0,5‒0,6 (50‒60 %). The engineering works of the second stage will provide a survivability index at the level of 0,6 ‒0,7. That is, unit losses as a result of enemy influence will be 0,3‒0,4 (30‒40 %). The maximum survivability of the unit with an indicator of 0,8 must be ensured after the work of the 3rd shift and partial work in the future in three days. To ensure such an indicator, 15,103 man-hours are needed. Provided that the productivity of one serviceman will be 1 m3/hour and will not exceed 12 hours of work per day.
A comparative analysis was carried out by performing mathematical calculations of the pace of engineering work by the personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine unit for the protection and defense of the facility without engineering equipment and with various types of engineering equipment. The comparative analysis showed that the minimum survivability of the unit during the execution of engineering works can be achieved within the normative indicators, but the maximum survivability of the unit in a three-day period, even with the available amount of equipment, is not possible.
Proposed directions for increasing the pace of engineering works in order to achieve maximum survivability of the NSU unit for the protection and defense of the object within the established regulatory terms by reviewing the staffing of the units of the National Guard of Ukraine for the protection and defense of important state objects and providing the unit with additional engineering equipment.
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