motivation system, personality, officer's professional development, methods of influence, professional training, National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The level of professionalism of military specialists is determined, first of all, by the state of professional development, which is equivalent to the level of professional training and motivation. These components are the basis of high professionalism, subject to compliance with certain criteria of moral and psychological level, willpower, and personal characteristics. The processes of modern development of the military sphere actualize the provision of high-quality implementation in the content of the professional development of the officer of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) of specific components related to the specifics of the service-combat activity performed and the socio-psychological characteristics of the military environment.
It is appropriate to take into account the degree of influence of specific negative and positive factors on the process of professional training: incorrectly carried out adaptation, low self-esteem, inconsistency of the specific direction of the officer's activity with his basic training, etc. To define and study their dependence of influence on system malfunction in general and to determine their dependence on the motivation system. When determining the methods of effective activation of professional skills for professional training and performance of service-combat tasks (SBZ) at the required level, the individual development of the officer is taken into account. With the goal of revealing the essence of the problems of eliminating inconsistencies of the influence on the officer's motivation system, further scientific research is aimed at determining the methods for correcting the specified process.
It is proposed to consider a variant of the system of motivation for the professional development of officers, its influence on the proposed model of the functioning of the professional development of the NSU. To reveal the essence of methods of increasing motivation in the system, their interdependence and compliance with requests regarding legality, relevance, effectiveness in the proposed model of functioning of professional development of NSU. To analyze the place and role of the motivation system in the general structure of officer training and activity. The peculiarities of the influence of ways of implementation of this system have been determined. To justify the effectiveness of the motivation system on the officer as an individual who needs self-realization and is part of the system.
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