social protection of servicemen's families, conditions for the initiation and conduct of hostilities, ways of solving problematic issues, service and combat activities, National Guard of UkraineAbstract
Until that time, the issues of social protection of military families in the conditions of the beginning and conduct of hostilities in solving the problems of combat and mobilization readiness, maintaining and restoring the combat capability of units (military units) of the NSU were not the subject of special scientific research. Sometimes only certain aspects of this problem were covered in scientific works, although the need for its deep development is determined by the practical needs and needs of the National Guard of Ukraine.This caused a contradiction between the need for high-quality implementation of the issue of social protection of military families in the conditions of the beginning and conduct of hostilities and the impossibility of doing so without identifying problematic issues of social protection, their analysis and justification of ways to solve them.The urgency of this problem, its insufficient theoretical study and practical development and necessitated the determination of problematic issues of social protection of military families in the conditions of the beginning and conduct of hostilities, analysis and justification of ways to solve them in the interests of maintaining a high level of combat and mobilization readiness, maintaining, and, if necessary, restoring the combat capability of units (military units) of the National Guard of Ukraine.In order to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the National Guard of Ukraine, to maintain, and, if necessary, to restore the combat capability of its formations (military units) at a level that guarantees an adequate response to threats to the national security of the state, in accordance with the orders of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Orders of the Commander of the NGU, we have identified problematic issues of social protection of the families of servicemen in the conditions of the beginning and conduct of hostilities and justified the ways of their decision.The results of the survey of the leadership of individual military units of the OTO ʺSKHIDʺ and the data obtained, which are given in the table, made it possible to determine a number of problematic issues of protection and evacuation of families of servicemen when putting on alert and implementing mobilization measures in military units of the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as in maintaining and restoring their combat capability.According to the results of the analysis of problematic issues of protection and evacuation of families of servicemen when put on alert and implementation of mobilization measures, the ways of their solution were determined: 1) at the state level: to equip territorial centers of recruitment and social support with personnel, which will allow them to fully perform the tasks assigned to them and promote social protection of military families in the conditions of the beginning and conduct of hostilities; revise administrative responsibility up to the criminal heads of territorial centers of recruitment and social support, for the supply to military units of military servicemen who are not responsible for the state of health, which causes dissatisfaction of the family; during the period of mobilization measures to strengthen the use of local television and radio channels; 2) at the level of management of military units: to plan measures of social protection and evacuation of families of servicemen in the documents of bringing the military unit on alert and implementing mobilization measures; plan measures to protect and evacuate the families of servicemen in the conditions of hostilities; to carry out constant maintenance of ties with the families of servicemen of the unit; if necessary, create a system of monetary support for the families of servicemen who were evacuated in the event of a threat of hostilities; to create a system of communication between servicemen and families in evacuation areas in the absence of mobile communications; to create a system of assistance to the families of servicemen in the event of threats of physical violence against them; taking into account the fact that the moral and psychological state of servicemen is affected by the threat to the safety of their families, when advancing the enemy, while maintaining and restoring combat capability, to constantly inform servicemen about the state of affairs in families; if necessary, create military towns for the families of servicemen to live in order to ensure their safety.
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