values,, violation of moral normativity, moral suffering, military personnel, combat experience, post-traumatic stress disorderAbstract
The study was conducted in 2022. The study involved 337 servicemen from private to senior warrant officers (42,16 % of mobilized servicemen; 57,84 % of contract servicemen). Participants in hostilities. The age of the study participants is from 20 to 55 years. All subjects were divided into two groups according to the "Maladaptive" methodology: group 1 – 59 people; group 2 – 277 people. The study's results identified the peculiarities of military values in military personnel participating in combat operations who have maladaptive reactions in the form of violation of moral normativity. The study involved servicemen participating in combat operations from private to senior warrant officer (mobilized – 42,16 %; contract servicemen – 57,84 %), divided into two groups: servicemen with signs of maladjustment – 59 people; and servicemen without pronounced signs of maladjustment – 277 people. Participants in hostilities. The age of the study participants is from 20 to 55 years. It has been determined that the indicator of violated moral normativity is associated with unfavorable social attitudes during combat missions and is not related to a direct threat to the life of a serviceman. The support of family and friends is not a resource for overcoming violated moral normativity. For servicemen with signs of impaired moral normativity, the most important thing is to remain humane and caring even in war, to respect their comrades, and be ready to give their lives for them. In the hierarchy of military values, these servicemen contrast humanity with military professionalism. For them, acting on orders or under force majeure circumstances is not an excuse for their own actions that violate moral norms. It is determined that the depth and stability of beliefs about one's own reliability, humanity, responsibility, and the inability to shift responsibility for actions committed during hostilities to insurmountable external circumstances or the order of the commander may be the basis for violation of moral normativity as one of the indicators of maladaptation and lead to loss of mental well-being.
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