information influence, captivit, captivity, opposition, personnel,, interrogation, moral spi, moral spirit, prisoner of warAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of counteracting the negative informational influence on the personnel in captivity during the war. The role and importance of counteracting the information factor in the armed struggle, in ensuring the security of the state border and the state's defense capability. It is also important to reveal the objective necessity, ways and means of protecting personnel from negative informational influence in difficult conditions of captivity.
The growth of the role of countering the information factor in the armed struggle and countering the information influence in captivity is highlighted.
The relationship between the informational factor and military affairs is investigated. It should be noted right away that the combat operations of the troops were always accompanied by an informational influence on the personnel.
We analyzed the latest research and publications, and summarized methods of preparation for interrogations during captivity. Advice on countering negative informational influence in wartime captivity was developed, in which special attention was paid to the principles of communication in captivity.
Ukrainian border guards face the Russian Federation with dignity, including in captivity. It is especially important to know about their struggle for everyone who wants to reliably protect our state in the information environment. In order to begin considering the aspects of protection against negative informational influence, it is important to thoroughly study how to counteract negative informational influence in captivity.
Our experience shows that providing prisoners with access to accurate and up-to-date information and counter-propaganda techniques can help reduce their stress and increase their ability to resist enemy information attempts.
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