ontological approach, National Guard of Ukraine, logistics support, ontologies, cognitive service, information and analytical system, taxonomiesAbstract
The article shows that in the context of repulsing the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine does not have an information and analytical system that would support effective decision-making on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine, using all the necessary information sources. The article proposes to formalize the processes of logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine on the basis of an ontological approach.
In the context of the scientific task, general requirements for the ontology of logistics support processes of the National Guard of Ukraine are formulated.
A general representation of the ontology of logistics support processes of the National Guard of Ukraine is presented. It is shown that creating the necessary operating environment for the information and analytical system of logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine involves consideration of two types of hierarchical interaction between objects ‒ aggregation and links.
The theoretical foundations and main stages of creating an ontology of logistics support processes of the National Guard of Ukraine are considered. The formed ontology of the logistics support processes of the National Guard of Ukraine allows us to proceed to the construction of an ontological model of the subject area described in the article.
The proposed ontology of logistics support processes of the National Guard of Ukraine is a scientific and methodological basis for developing a method for forming the architecture of an information and analytical system to support and make decisions on logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine. Unlike the existing ones, the proposed ontology takes into account the specifics and essence of the processes of logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine.
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