border guard, space, management, organization, state border, integrated border management, surveillance, border securityAbstract
The Border Service of Ukraine, implementing interaction with the rest of the subjects of border security (as a part of national security), the range of powers of which is related to the protection and protection of the border, takes measures to counteract any illegal manifestation in the area of responsibility of the border, tangential to its competences.
According to the results of the analysis of the documents regulating the engineering and technical arrangement of the Ukrainian border, it was determined that the main tasks of the engineering and technical arrangement of the border are: ensuring remote monitoring of the technical equipment of the border area, complicating illegal border crossing and ensuring its control, protection of the relevant border unit at the border from types of means of injury; providing possible conditions for the actions of their forces (troops) and the use of means. The main elements of the architecture of the "intelligent" border protection system are: a network of integrated towers equipped with radar and optical-electronic surveillance, communication and information transmission, power supply, video surveillance and fire alarm security systems; a linear part of sensors and sensors that function on a different physical principle of action in combination with an engineering barrier and construction; an automated operator's place to collect and process alarm information from each installed technical means; forces and means of response (patrol cars, boats, airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles), equipped with technical surveillance and a system of automatic determination of their location and recognition based on a unified cartographic situation; control and management center.
Therefore, taking into account the information presented above, it can be stated that the key general characteristics of the "intelligent" border protection system are the modularity of the design (convenience of modernization of existing and integration of new components, functions and subsystems); the possibility of centralized management (in remote and local modes); inclusion in geoformation systems.
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