border guard space, state border, integrated border management, monitoring, strategic planning.Abstract
The article analyzes the content of the main measures to modernize the engineering and technical equipment of the border of Ukraine. The purpose of the article was to determine the features of the strategic planning of the engineering and technical equipment of the state border of Ukraine based on the analysis of regulatory and legal documents. A detailed analysis of the Integrated Border Management Strategy and the correspondingly adopted Action Plan, containing three stages with the specification of relevant measures, was carried out.
When determining the spectrum of requirements for separate technical equipment of the border, the following essential factors of their operation conditions and the situation in the area of responsibility of the border protection unit should be taken into account.
It should be noted that according to forecasts of the future development of the situation in the border area, there is a high probability of the existence of a general trend of real and potential threats from Russia.
In general, the border agency as a component of the Security Forces of Ukraine counters threats of a military and terrorist nature in cooperation with other military and law enforcement formations of the security and defense sector. It can be argued that a state-wide system of border protection has been formed in Ukraine, which belongs to the system of ensuring Ukrainian national security.
Factors in the development of the system of protection and protection of the Ukrainian state border as an integral component of the national security system are various types of threats that exist in the border area. The main threats to modern Ukraine are the war of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian state, as a result of which part of the territory of Ukraine was occupied, manifestations of terrorism appeared, and the smuggling of weapons, ammunition and means of terror increased.
The presented article presents the main measures of strategic planning of the engineering and technical arrangement of the Ukrainian border thanks to the implementation of the monitoring system of the border area.
Conclusions and promising directions of scientific research are formulated.
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