: structural-functional synthesis, National Guard of Ukraine, , logistics support, decision support and decision-making systems, information-analytical system, transdisciplinary ontology, transdisciplinary services, cognitive procedureAbstract
The article establishes that the implementation of an information and analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine is possible only if a single information space of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (as a metasystem) is formed. Such an information-analytical system will ensure the full-scale integrated use of distributed information resources and corporate knowledge systems that are or may be relevant to the processes of logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine.
It is shown that the functional services of the information-analytical system for support and decision-making on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine should include two groups of transdisciplinary procedures, on the basis of which the component services of the information-analytical system are formed: these are the services of linguistic and semantic processing of information resources and transdisciplinary analysis and decision support.
It has been established that the ontological-semantic group of services of the information-analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine includes transdisciplinary services that provide processing and appropriate transformations of unstructured textual information. The composition, content, and purpose of the ontological-semantic group of services of the information-analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine are determined.
It is established that the ontological-analytical group includes the services of the information-analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine for the analytical activities of experts. The composition, content and purpose of the ontological-analytical group of services of the information-analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine are determined.
Taking into account the essence, methods of implementation and specifics of the polyhedron processes considered in the article, the main recommendations for choosing the component configuration of the polyhedron processes of the information-analytical system for supporting and making decisions on the logistics support of the National Guard of Ukraine are developed.
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