One of the most important operational properties of cars is directional stability, which affects road safety. Especially dangerous is the entry of multi-axle heavy trucks, whose stability is currently assessed using probabilistic methods of reliability theory.
The consequence of this approach is the static uncertainty of the support system (undercarriage), which does not allow to accurately determine the normal reactions on the wheels of multi-axle cars.
The classic layout of a combat wheeled vehicle, especially when performing tasks within the city limits, is insufficient maneuverability. The most common armored personnel carrier in the National Guard is the BTR 70 and its modifications. The minimum turning radius along the track of the front outer wheel is 12.6 m. The design of two rotating two-axle platforms will reduce this indicator. Also, such a design will allow, especially in the conditions of urban development, to place a two-platform combat vehicle with the letter "Г" or "V" to cover personnel from a threatening direction. And the construction of two machines with such a configuration will provide all-round protection of personnel during combat missions or public order protection missions.
The use on four-axle cars of front and rear two-axle rotary platforms with a balance suspension of the leading axles provides (in contrast to the traditional design of the chassis) resistance against skidding at any position of the center of mass and has a higher course stability compared to cars with a traditional chassis part.
Thus, the study of the stability of four-axle vehicles with two two-axle rotary platforms is an urgent problem and needs further study.
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