state border protection unit, armed struggle, sabotage and intelligence groupAbstract
The scientific article, based on the analysis of the actions of the enemy's subversive reconnaissance groups and the combat experience of the border units in their destruction, summarizes the purpose, objects and capabilities of the state border guard unit in relation to the organization of the fight against the enemy's DRGs. The content of the work of the head of the border unit regarding the organization of actions of the border unit regarding the search for the enemy's DRG has been specified and revealed. Based on the experience of actions of the PRYKZ, tactical role-playing games, practical comprehensive practical classes, a variant of the content of the work of the head of the border unit is proposed. A feature of the developed recommendations is their practical orientation. They are intended for the heads of border units, in the areas of responsibility of which crisis situations may arise. Taking into account the developed recommendations will avoid erroneous decisions, rationally prepare the unit for actions, and also improve the efficiency of the work of the relevant managers.
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