mechanisms of state regulation, military education system, threats to national security, management and control of educational processesAbstract
This article highlights the features of state regulation of military education of the tactical command and control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of aggravation of the military-political situation. It reveals the regulatory and legal support for the implementation of managerial influences on ensuring the quality of military education in Ukraine. An analysis of recent research and publications in the specific field of research is carried out.
The main directions for forming and ensuring the implementation of military education policy are identified, which are considered in the context of the division of powers and responsibilities of the Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Central Directorate of Military Education of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The author substantiates the necessity to search for new, dissipative mechanisms that can provide a synergistic effect in the process of implementing the state regulation of military specialists training for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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