mathematical model, bore, technical condition, diagnostic method, laser triangulation sensor, geometric characteristic, technological error, measuring instrument, technical diagnosis, error componentAbstract
The parameters of the optical scheme of a laser triangulation sensor, whose deviation from their nominal (calculated) values will affect the transformation function, are determined. It is shown that the presence of a technological error during the processing of measurement information will be perceived as an apparent change in the measured value with a constant input signal.
Mathematical models of the components of technological error are obtained, which are presented in the form of error limits at the input of the measuring instrument. The expressions for determining the confidence limits of the total technological error, taking into account the correlation between its components, are substantiated.
A quantitative assessment of the technological error for characteristic combinations of weapon parameters is carried out. The results of the quantitative evaluation are presented in the form of graphs of the dependence of the limits of relative and absolute technological error on the increase in the radius of the bore in the measurement range.
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