service and combat activity, combat operations, subjects of moral and psychological support, psychological support, psychological assistance, professional competenceAbstract
The article considers the peculiarities of implementing a study to identify problematic issues of the current practice of providing psychological assistance to the personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine during combat operations and to determine possible ways to solve them. The results of this study are presented.
The expediency and relevance of identifying the existing array of problematic issues in this area and determining ways to solve them are substantiated. The algorithm of research actions, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the involved carriers of important research information, and the methods used to obtain the necessary information are revealed.
On the basis of the data obtained from the carriers of important research information, using the methods of interviews, written surveys of experts, group discussions with combatants, studying the experience of psychological support of combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine formations, their analysis and generalisation, a list of problematic issues of modern practice of providing psychological assistance to personnel is established. This list is presented according to the information, organisational, practical and implementation components of psychological assistance. In accordance with the nature of the identified problematic issues and the assessment of the possibilities of their solution, the author's vision of possible ways to improve the situation in this area is proposed.
It is proposed to use the above research material as a basis for the implementation of organisational and methodological improvements in the practice of providing psychological assistance to personnel during combat operations.
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