information-analytical subsystem, information indicators, automated control system, informatioAbstract
An analysis of methods used by management bodies has been conducted, indicating the necessity of finding the most acceptable methodological apparatus for substantiating decisions regarding the application of units and subunits to counter armed and other provocations by the enemy in the area of combat missions performance.
The issue of the inconsistency between the necessity of countering threats posed by the enemy's troops in the defense area of a battalion (combat order during the offensive) and the absence of a methodological apparatus that would allow to form a rational distribution of units and subunits under these conditions for conducting combat operations has been raised.
Methods and algorithm have been proposed that enable the determination of the degree of correspondence between external informational indicators of data received at the battalion command post and typical informational indicators of necessary information for use during the decision-making process for the application of units and subunits, allowing timely measures to be taken to prevent negative consequences for the national security of the state during the combat operations conducted by units and subunits of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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