information and analytical support, automated control system, weapons and military equipment, communication systems, radio channel, adaptation, deliberate interference, electromagnetic compatibility, active radio masking, radio channel stability, electromagnetic availability zoneAbstract
The article deals with the issues of interference and intelligence protection of radio communication means of the mobile component of the tactical command and control link in the conditions of active use of electronic warfare. The problems arising from the use of standard radio communication means that do not provide a sufficient level of protection against intentional interference and interception of signals by the enemy are analysed.
The necessity of developing a scientific and methodological apparatus for adapting the radio networks of the National Guard of Ukraine to the conditions of active interference is substantiated. An analysis of modern radio communication equipment used in the military, including portable radios, satellite communication systems, tactical Wi-Fi solutions and software-based radio networks, is carried out. It is determined that the existing communication systems do not provide effective counteraction to enemy radio jammers, especially in direct contact.
A new method of spatial interference rejection based on the optimal location and direction of antenna systems of ground-based transmitters and receivers of UHF/VHF and Wi-Fi radio signals is proposed. The proposed method takes into account the tactical situation, the territorial location of radio network nodes and allows to increase the interference immunity of radio channels by changing the characteristics of antenna systems.
A mathematical model of interaction between the elements of the radio communication system and active radio masking means is substantiated, which allows determining the optimal parameters of antenna systems and radiation power. The threshold values of the suppression coefficient are determined, at which the required quality of signal reception is guaranteed under the conditions of targeted concentrated interference. The concept of a stable radio communication zone is expanded, in particular, the dependence of its area on the shape of the radiation pattern and the distance between the elements of the communication system is substantiated.
For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the combined effect of intentional interference and active radio jamming on the stability of radio channels is carried out, which allows a reasonable approach to planning radio communications in the conditions of electronic warfare. An algorithm for determining the area of stable exchange for the points of the operational map of combat operations is proposed, which allows to effectively plan the location of communication means and active radio masking means.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of applying the developed method in the creation of adaptive radio communication systems that take into account the real tactical situation, which can significantly increase the efficiency of troop management in the conditions of information influence of the enemy.
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