unmanned systems, unmanned complexes, combat experience, tactics, application, security and defense forces, National Guard of Ukrain, war, state securityAbstract
The results of the analysis of a number of publications on the experience of creating and functioning of units using unmanned systems in the security and defense forces of Ukraine are briefly considered.
A brief analysis of the modern history of the creation and development of units for the use of unmanned, primarily aviation, systems (complexes) is given. Unwavering trends regarding the further expansion of the practice of using unmanned systems (complexes) of land, air and sea (river) use in modern armed conflicts during the conduct of battles both at the tactical level and operations (special operations) at the operational and strategic levels are emphasized.
The modern experience of using unmanned systems is analyzed and possible further changes in the tactics of tactical-level units on the battlefield are predicted, taking into account the constant development of the latest technological capabilities in the field of reconnaissance, detection, destruction of targets and radio-electronic warfare.
Generalized problematic issues and challenges that have to be solved by tactical-level military commanders and individual specialists in the process of their deployment and application are highlighted.
Conclusions have been drawn regarding the expediency of taking into account the experience gained in the creation, deployment and functioning of units using unmanned systems in the process of developing similar units in the military formations of the National Guard of Ukraine.
The problem of the need to improve the process of selection (transfer) of training and preparation of candidates for service in units for the use of unmanned systems is emphasized. The problem of organizing their appropriate support and developing doctrinal documents on their application on the battlefield, taking into account the need to establish interaction and carry out coordination measures with units and formations in whose interests these units operate, is also emphasized.
Proposals have been submitted regarding the mandatory implementation of the process of studying the tactics of units and military formations of various branches of the military with the support of their actions by units using unmanned systems in military educational institutions.
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