Honor and Law 2025-02-28T22:09:40+02:00 Medvid Yuliya Ivanivna Open Journal Systems <p>The scientific journal "Honor and Law" (certificate of state registration of the printed media KV №21023 - 10823 PR from 22.09.2014) was founded in 2001 by the Main Directorate of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.</p> <p>The journal is included in category "B" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in specialties 251 ˗ "State Security", 253 ˗ "Military Administration (by type of armed forces)" (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 № 1643) and 081 ˗ “Law”, 281 ˗ “Public management and Administration” (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409).</p> <p>Publications are indexed in the scientometric database Index Copernicus (Poland) and the bibliometric platform Google Scholar.</p> <p>Editorial policy</p> <p>The editorial policy of the scientific journal "Honor and Law" provides for the reflection of scientific achievements in the specialties (thematic areas):</p> <p>military management (service and combat activities of the defense forces);<br />state security (service and combat activities of security forces);<br />public management and administration (public administration in the field of national security);<br />law (legal support of military service);<br />psychology (psychology of extreme activities);<br />publication of review and scientific-methodical materials.</p> <p>The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research of specialists of the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies and other military formations, scientists, teachers, associate professors, cadets, students and anyone interested in current issues in these areas.</p> <p>Frequency of the publication - quarterly.</p> <p>Circulation - 100 copies.</p> VALIDATION OF L. SCONDI'S PORTRAIT SELECTION METHOD BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT AND MEASUREMENT OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL REACTIONS OF RESPONDENTS 2025-02-28T17:32:34+02:00 Vadym Barko Vadym Barko <p><em>An attempt is made to clarify the validity of the well-known projective method of portrait selection by L.&nbsp;&nbsp;Scondi on the basis of assessment and measurement of psychophysiological reactions of a person. The authors have developed an original method of validation of this method by comparing the results of the&nbsp;&nbsp;classical blank study according to this method with the results of the next polygraph survey of respondents, which was accompanied by a demonstration of portraits. It has been proven that the indicators of the strength of psychophysiological reactions that occur during the demonstration of portraits positively correlate with the results of a blank examination of the same respondents using the method of portrait choices. On the basis of&nbsp;&nbsp;the analysis of correlation coefficients, the validity indicators of L. Scondi's method have been clarified. </em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE MILITARY UNITS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION AND DEFENSE ASSIGNED TASKS 2025-02-28T17:58:33+02:00 Oleh Batiuk Serhii Bielai Viacheslav Harmash <p><em>Research has been carried out on regulatory legal documents and works of Ukrainian scientists, which determine the provisions of the assigned tasks of the National Guard units for the protection and defense of&nbsp;&nbsp;</em><em>critical infrastructure objects. Author's definitions of the protection and defense of critical infrastructure objects by military units of the National Guard of&nbsp; Ukraine as a component of the assigned tasks&nbsp; of the National Guard of Ukraine have been formulated. </em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law THE CONDITION OF THE VEHICLE'S STABILITY TO OVERTURNING ON A SURFACE WITH A LATERAL SLOPE WHEN FIRING FROM THE WEAPON 2025-02-28T18:14:53+02:00 Oleksandr Bilenko Serhii Shabatura <p><em>The issue of evaluating vehicle stability on a side-sloped surface during weapon firing has been considered. A mathematical expression for determining the condition of vehicle stability on a side-sloped surface while firing weapons has been improved. Unlike known expressions, it takes into account the impact of the </em><em>recoil force of weapons</em><em> and the overturning and stabilizing moments it generates. A stability coefficient and a relative stability coefficient are proposed, enabling the assessment of the stability margin against overturning of a combat vehicle during weapon firing, as well as decision-making regarding its operational feasibility under various conditions or the use of more powerful weapons with correspondingly greater recoil forces.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law RESOURCE COMPONENT OF STRESS RESISTANCE OF SERVICEMEN IN THE CONDITIONS OF EXTREME ACTIVITY 2025-02-28T18:23:02+02:00 Olena Briukhno Maksym Baida <p><em>The article determines the problem associated with the growth of psychogenic losses among military personnel in the conditions of extreme activity. Special attention is paid to the interaction of internal and external resources as basic components of stress resistance, which form a holistic concept of the resource component of stress resistance. The article highlights measures that have a positive impact on the moral and psychological state of personnel, such as extreme training, social support, development of internal resources and work with military families.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law OFFICER'S SITUATIONAL AWARENESS NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE 2025-02-28T18:34:17+02:00 Andrii Danylevskyi <p><em>Based on the analysis of special scientific literature and regulatory legal acts, it is concluded that the formation of situational awareness of the commander of a unit of the National Guard of Ukraine is a necessary condition for his making a well-founded and effective decision. It is established that situational awareness is a component of human cognitive activity and can be used as a universal model of management in crisis situations. It is substantiated that the use of innovative information technologies, in particular situational awareness systems, such as "Delta", is of great importance for increasing the level of situational awareness.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law MODEL OF TRAINING OF PERSONNEL IN THE FIELD OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM 2025-02-28T19:18:09+02:00 Vadym Yevsieiev <p><em>A theoretically grounded model of training personnel in the field of critical infrastructure protection in the higher education system has been developed. It is emphasized that the features of the developed model are complexity, phased implementation, dynamism, <a href="'%D1%8F%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%96%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C">interconnectedness of components, integration of the quality assurance system, etc.</a></em></p> <p><em>It is emphasized that the proposed model takes into account modern specific organizational and managerial mechanisms for forming a system of training specialists in the field of critical infrastructure protection within higher education, takes into account advanced trends in the development and quality assurance of educational activities and higher education, modern principles of implementation of educational (educational and professional) programs by higher education institutions, and also determines the procedure for stakeholder interaction in the process of developing and implementing these training programs for subjects of the national critical infrastructure protection system.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNICAL METHOD OF ASSESSING THE COMBAT CAPACITY OF MILITARY UNITS 2025-02-28T19:02:54+02:00 Hryhorii Ivanets Stanislav Horielyshev Mykhailo Ivanets <p><em>An organizational and technical method for assessing the combat capability of military units has been developed. The method is based on a formalized mathematical model and provides for an assessment of the level of combat capability of a unit depending on its potential technical ability to perform its intended tasks, which is determined by the degree of compliance of the main tactical and technical characteristics of weapons samples with modern requirements, operational capabilities of weapons, the degree of manning of the unit with weapons and equipment, technical readiness of the unit and the level of stock of weapons resources, as well as the level of professional and moral and psychological preparation.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PECULIARITIES OF THE IMPACT OF POST-CONVENTIONAL WAR ON THE WORLDVIEW DIMENSION OF THE PERSONALITY OF SERVICEMEN 2025-02-28T19:30:53+02:00 Oleksandr Kapliuchenko Volodymyr Vasyshchev <p><em>The authors identifies the main ideological features of post-conventional wars and their differences from wars of previous types – conventional and hybrid wars – which lead to ideological changes. The authors substantiates the need for philosophical reflection on the experience of post-conventional warfare and the development of effective concepts for responding to the ideological challenges it generates.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law METHOD OF ADAPTING THE RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OF THE MOBILE COMPONENT OF THE TACTICAL COMMAND AND CONTROL UNIT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE TO THE CONDITIONS OF INTENTIONAL INTERFERENCE 2025-02-28T19:49:22+02:00 Andrii Manko <p><em>The article deals with the issues of interference and intelligence protection of radio communication means of the mobile component of the tactical command and control link in the conditions of active use of electronic warfare. The problems arising from the use of standard radio communication means that do not provide a sufficient level of protection against intentional interference and interception of signals by the enemy are analysed.</em></p> <p><em>The necessity of developing a scientific and methodological apparatus for adapting the radio networks of the National Guard of Ukraine to the conditions of active interference is substantiated. An analysis of modern radio communication equipment used in the military, including portable radios, satellite communication systems, tactical Wi-Fi solutions and software-based radio networks, is carried out. It is determined that the existing communication systems do not provide effective counteraction to enemy radio jammers, especially in direct contact.</em></p> <p><em>A new method of spatial interference rejection based on the optimal location and direction of antenna systems of ground-based transmitters and receivers of UHF/VHF and Wi-Fi radio signals is proposed. The proposed method takes into account the tactical situation, the territorial location of radio network nodes and allows to increase the interference immunity of radio channels by changing the characteristics of antenna systems.</em></p> <p><em>A mathematical model of interaction between the elements of the radio communication system and active radio masking means is substantiated, which allows determining the optimal parameters of antenna systems and radiation power. The threshold values of the suppression coefficient are determined, at which the required quality of signal reception is guaranteed under the conditions of targeted concentrated interference. The concept of a stable radio communication zone is expanded, in particular, the dependence of its area on the shape of the radiation pattern and the distance between the elements of the communication system is substantiated.</em></p> <p><em>For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the combined effect of intentional interference and active radio jamming on the stability of radio channels is carried out, which allows a reasonable approach to planning radio communications in the conditions of electronic warfare. An algorithm for determining the area of stable exchange for the points of the operational map of combat operations is proposed, which allows to effectively plan the location of communication means and active radio masking means.</em></p> <p><em>The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of applying the developed method in the creation of adaptive radio communication systems that take into account the real tactical situation, which can significantly increase the efficiency of troop management in the conditions of information influence of the enemy. </em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law PROBLEM ISSUES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE USAGE OF UNMANNED COMPLEXES IN THE SECURITY AND DEFENSE FORCES OF UKRAINE AT THE CURRENT STAGE OF THE WAR 2025-02-28T20:11:00+02:00 Oleksandr Mynko Mykhailo Fedorov Oleh Latashynskyi <p><em>The results of the analysis of a number of publications on the experience of creating and functioning of units using unmanned systems in the security and defense forces of Ukraine are briefly considered.</em></p> <p><em>A brief analysis of the modern history of the creation and development of units for the use of unmanned, primarily aviation, systems (complexes) is given. Unwavering trends regarding the further expansion of the practice of using unmanned systems (complexes) of land, air and sea (river) use in modern armed conflicts during the conduct of battles both at the tactical level and operations (special operations) at the operational and strategic levels are emphasized.</em></p> <p><em>The modern experience of using unmanned systems is analyzed and possible further changes in the tactics of tactical-level units on the battlefield are predicted, taking into account the constant development of the latest technological capabilities in the field of reconnaissance, detection, destruction of targets and radio-electronic warfare.</em></p> <p><em>Generalized problematic issues and challenges that have to be solved by tactical-level military commanders and individual specialists in the process of their deployment and application are highlighted.</em></p> <p><em>Conclusions have been drawn regarding the expediency of taking into account the experience gained in the creation, deployment and functioning of units using unmanned systems in the process of developing similar units in the military formations of the National Guard of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>The problem of the need to improve the process of selection (transfer) of training and preparation of candidates for service in units for the use of unmanned systems is emphasized. The problem of organizing their appropriate support and developing doctrinal documents on their application on the battlefield, taking into account the need to establish interaction and carry out coordination measures with units and formations in whose interests these units operate, is also emphasized.</em></p> <p><em>Proposals have been submitted regarding the mandatory implementation of the process of studying the tactics of units and military formations of various branches of the military with the support of their actions by units using unmanned systems in military educational institutions.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law IDENTIFICATION OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE DECISION-MAKING REGARDING RECEIVING MILITARY EDUCATION 2025-02-28T20:24:44+02:00 Ihor Morozov Svitlana Hunbina Sviatoslav Manzhura <p><em>The relevance of the need for the development of the military education system and the identification of factors influencing the decision to pursue military education have been highlighted. An analysis of trends in admission campaigns before the large-scale aggression and possible reasons for these trends has been conducted. A classification of the identified factors based on specific characteristics has been provided.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law COMPONENTS OF THE STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL MODEL OF THE STUDY OF PERSONALITY IDENTITY IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR 2025-02-28T20:39:16+02:00 Valentyna Moskalenko Nataliia Kryvokon <p><em>The article considers the importance of identity for the post-traumatic growth of a personality in the conditions of a full-scale war, describes its dynamics.</em> <em>A theoretical analysis of the three components of the structural-functional model of identity research is carried out: cognitive, affective and conative.</em> <em>Their role in the process of overcoming traumatic experience and further post-traumatic development of the individual is determined.</em> <em>It is proposed to create a research model and a system of criteria for studying the dynamics of military personnel's identity on the basis of the described components.</em> <em>The possibility of preventing the development of post-traumatic negative phenomena and effectively directing the further rehabilitation process towards post-traumatic growth through the introduction of the developed research model is substantiated.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law METHOD OF FORMING A COMPLEX OF COMBAT EQUIPMENT FOR SECURITY FORCES 2025-02-28T20:53:19+02:00 Viktor Pashchenko Oleksandr Bilenko <p><em>A method for forming a combat equipment complex for security forces personnel has been developed, the essence of which is to form a set of possible variants of a combat equipment complex based on available samples of elements of its subsystems, determine the performance indicators of the task in the case of using each formed variant of the combat equipment complex and select from the available set of variants of the complex that best ensures the specified conditions for performing the task. The application of the method makes it possible to form a combat equipment complex for a specific task and conditions of its performance, as well as to evaluate already known combat equipment complexes in terms of their provision of specified performance indicators for the performance of assigned tasks.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law THE ESSENCE AND ROLE OF INFORMATION LOGISTICS IN COUNTERTERRORISM MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 2025-02-28T21:09:58+02:00 Ihor Ryzhov Nataliia Myshchyshyn <p><em>This study examines the essence and role of information logistics within counterterrorism management systems, as well as the theoretical and legal foundations for their application in shaping the information space of Ukraine's national counterterrorism system. It explores the prospects for optimizing operational processes in counterterrorism operation command centres by converging the information systems of counterterrorism entities. The study also outlines the impact of implementing modern information-logistics tools to enhance the capabilities of management structures within counterterrorism entities, enabling them to counter effectively terrorist threats.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF AN AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM IN MILITARY AFFAIRS IN MODERN CONDITIONS 2025-02-28T21:17:41+02:00 Mykola Tkachenko Serhii Kravchenko <p><em>The article examines the role and importance of automated control systems in military affairs in the context of modern challenges. Automated control systems provide integration of information technologies into the processes of troop management, which increases the efficiency and speed of decision-making. In the context of the growing complexity of combat operations and the need for a rapid response to changes in the situation, automation of management processes is becoming critical. The article considers current trends in the development of automated control systems, their impact on the operational readiness of troops, and analyzes existing scientific publications on the topic. The advantages and challenges associated with the implementation of automated control systems in military practice, as well as the main directions for further research in this area are highlighted.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law FEATURES OF MILITARY PERSONNEL'S ATTITUDES WITH DIFFERENT SOCIOMETRIC STATUSES TOWARDS MANIFESTATIONS OF DESTRUCTIVE LEADERSHIP IN MILITARY COLLECTIVES 2025-02-28T21:36:14+02:00 Ihor Tovma Mykola Tovma Ivan Stepanko <p><em>The modern scientific and theoretical studies on leadership issues in military collectives have been analyzed and summarized. Forms of destructive leadership that may manifest in the professional activities of National Guard of Ukraine personnel have been identified and proposed. The attitudes of military personnel with different sociometric statuses towards manifestations of destructive leadership in military collectives have been highlighted.</em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law INSTRUMENTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND INTERESTS DURING THE ARMED CONFLICT: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2025-02-28T21:42:55+02:00 Kateryna Chepkova <p><em>The article considers foreign experience in the field of application of public administration instruments for protection of the rights and interests of a child during armed conflict, as well as the key concept of "public administration instruments". The experience of using public administration instruments in the field of child protection during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), World War II (the experience of Great Britain), and the Rwandan genocide (1994) is studied. </em></p> 2025-02-28T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Honor and Law