Honor and Law http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/ <p>The scientific journal "Honor and Law" (certificate of state registration of the printed media KV №21023 - 10823 PR from 22.09.2014) was founded in 2001 by the Main Directorate of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.</p> <p>The journal is included in category "B" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in specialties 251 ˗ "State Security", 253 ˗ "Military Administration (by type of armed forces)" (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 № 1643) and 081 ˗ “Law”, 281 ˗ “Public management and Administration” (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409).</p> <p>Publications are indexed in the scientometric database Index Copernicus (Poland) and the bibliometric platform Google Scholar.</p> <p>Editorial policy</p> <p>The editorial policy of the scientific journal "Honor and Law" provides for the reflection of scientific achievements in the specialties (thematic areas):</p> <p>military management (service and combat activities of the defense forces);<br />state security (service and combat activities of security forces);<br />public management and administration (public administration in the field of national security);<br />law (legal support of military service);<br />psychology (psychology of extreme activities);<br />publication of review and scientific-methodical materials.</p> <p>The journal publishes original scientific articles containing the results of scientific research of specialists of the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies and other military formations, scientists, teachers, associate professors, cadets, students and anyone interested in current issues in these areas.</p> <p>Frequency of the publication - quarterly.</p> <p>Circulation - 100 copies.</p> National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine en-US Honor and Law 2078-7480 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE HEAD OF THE STATE BORDER GUARD UNIT ON THE ORGANIZATION OF COMBATING ENEMY SABOTAGE AND RECONNAISSANCE GROUPS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/301752 <p><em>The scientific article, based on the analysis of the actions of the enemy's subversive reconnaissance groups and the combat experience of the border units in their destruction, summarizes the purpose, objects and capabilities of the state border guard unit in relation to the organization of the fight against the enemy's DRGs. The content of the work of the head of the border unit regarding the organization of actions of the border unit regarding the search for the enemy's DRG has been specified and revealed. Based on the experience of actions of the PRYKZ, tactical role-playing games, practical comprehensive practical classes, a variant of the content of the work of the head of the border unit is proposed. A feature of the developed recommendations is their practical orientation. They are intended for the heads of border units, in the areas of responsibility of which crisis situations may arise. Taking into account the developed recommendations will avoid erroneous decisions, rationally prepare the unit for actions, and also improve the efficiency of the work of the relevant managers.</em></p> Vasyl Baratiuk Oleksandr Lazorenko Volodymyr Korchev Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 8 14 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/301752 PROBLEM ISSUES OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS OF THE COMMANDING AND HEADQUARTERS STAFF OFFICERS OF TACTICAL LEVEL UNITS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE IN THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302140 <p><em>The author analyzes a number of scientific publications on the impact of modern technologies on the course of the main types of combat, taking into consideration the current experience of combat and military operations during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Trends in the tactics of using tactical level units on the battlefield are outlined.</em></p> <p><em>The latest program article of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn and directions of scientific and theoretical development of tactics of using the National Guard of Ukraine units on the modern battlefield are determined.</em></p> <p><em>Proposals are made for obligated implementation into the educational process of military educational institutions the study about the impact of modern technological means of armed struggle on the tactics of using the National Guard of Ukraine.</em></p> Serhii Bielai Oleksandr Mynko Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 15 19 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302140 INDICATORS AND CRITERIA FOR ACOUSTIC CONCEALMENT DURING FIRE MISSIONS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302141 <p><em>The importance of acoustic concealment during certain fire missions and the necessity of indicators and criteria for its evaluation are substantiated. Deterministic and probabilistic indicators of acoustic concealment of fire mission and criteria for them are developed. The advantages and areas of application of the specified indicators and criteria are defined. The obtained results can be used for comparative evaluation of existing samples of low-noise weapons and for forming requirements for the characteristics of prospective samples.</em></p> Oleksandr Bilenko Rostyslav Hotsa Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 20 25 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302141 RATIONALE FOR THE NEED TO IMPROVE THE MECHANISM OF STATE REGULATION OF MILITARY EDUCATION IN THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302144 <p><em>This article highlights the features of state regulation of military education of the tactical command and control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of aggravation of the military-political situation. It reveals the regulatory and legal support for the implementation of managerial influences on ensuring the quality of military education in Ukraine. An analysis of recent research and publications in the specific field of research is carried out.</em></p> <p><em>The main directions for forming and ensuring the implementation of military education policy are identified, which are considered in the context of the division of powers and responsibilities of the Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Central Directorate of Military Education of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.</em></p> <p><em>The author substantiates the necessity to search for new, dissipative mechanisms that can provide a synergistic effect in the process of implementing the state regulation of military specialists training for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.</em></p> Oleksandr Verbovenko Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 26 31 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302144 RELEVANCE OF COUNTERING THE NEGATIVE INFORMATION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT ON THE PERSONNEL OF A STATE BORDER GUARD AGENCY IN WARTIME http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302147 <p><em>Based on the analysis of the events taking place in Ukraine, during which the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine performs the task of repulsing and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the authors suggest that the personnel is subjected to information and psychological influences that form a certain information and psychological situation in the field of the state border security.</em></p> <p><em>The article substantiates the relevance of countering the negative information and psychological impact on the personnel of a state border guard agency in wartime. Information and psychological influences and military theoretical approaches to characterising their essence have been studied. The unreasonable nature of the information and psychological aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has been emphasised. The necessity of improving the system of ensuring the national security of Ukraine, taking into account the specificity of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, has been revealed. The problematic issues of information and psychological protection of national interests at the state border have been analysed.</em></p> Vitalii Zhuravel Serhii Burbela Yurii Yurchak Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 32 36 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302147 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF THE MODEL FOR THE APPLICATION OF FORCES AND MEANS OF A BORDER GUARD DETACHMENT AS PART OF THE DEFENSE FORCES IN REPELLING AN ARMED INVASION http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302201 <p><em>The set of factors influencing the choice of the model for the application of forces and means of a border guard detachment as part of the </em><em>defense</em><em> forces in repelling an armed invasion has been determined. Their analysis, systematization, and ranking have been carried out. </em><em>From the entire variety of factors, 8 major groups have been identified through generalization and systematization: military-political, socio-economic, material-technical, organizational-management, moral-psychological, physical-geographical, ecological and sanitary-epidemiological, and normative-legal.</em></p> Viktor Zalozh Dmytro Karasov Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 37 46 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302201 THE ANALYSIS OF NEGATIVE INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OPERATIONAL AND SERVICEACTIVITIES IN THE AREAS OF THE STATE BORDER WITH AN AGGRAVATED MILITARY-POLITICAL SITUATION http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302237 <p><em>The article analyses the factors that negatively affect the implementation of operational and service activities in the areas of the state border with an aggravated military-political situation.</em><em> It is noted that during the period of sharp aggravation of the military-political situation in the areas of responsibility of border guard detachments, the enemy massively used sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The main tasks of these groups are presented.</em></p> <p><em>The authors reveal the discrepancy between the need to counteract sabotage and terrorist threats in the areas of responsibility of border guard detachments in the context of a sharp aggravation of the military-political situation and the lack of a specific methodological apparatus.</em></p> <p><em>Certain peculiarities of organization of operational and service activities in the context of a sharp aggravation of the military-political situation in the areas of responsibility of border guard detachments were analyzed.</em></p> <p><em>The main factors of negative impact on the effectiveness of operational and service activities in the areas of the State border with an aggravated military-political situation are formed, as well as the scale of data significance for threat assessment and risk analysis in the area of responsibility of the border guard detachment.</em></p> Volodymyr Kyrylenko Vitalii Burnatnyi Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 47 55 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302237 PROVIDING DEFENCE FORCES AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: BUDGETARY AND LEGAL ASPECT http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302243 <p><em>The success of the end of military operations in Ukraine depends on a reliable internal front, namely, support for the defense forces at all levels of government. The article analyses the budgetary and legal instruments for supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the current legislation, the main source of support is the State Budget of Ukraine and financial support from partner countries. The current state of financing of the defense forces units of Cherkasy region is analyzed. It is found that the existing approach to providing these units does not meet the urgent needs: their maintenance is carried out at their own expense, with the help of volunteer organizations and domestic business. It is determined that an additional source of stable provision of such units may be free funds of local budgets and revenues from the personal income tax (military personnel), which have significantly increased the revenues of local self-government budgets. The author substantiates the ways of resolving the issues of inconsistency in the current legislation, in particular, the Laws of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" and "On the Fundamentals of National Resistance".</em></p> Vitalii Koval Olena Sukach Olga Drobot Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 56 61 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302243 IMPROVEMENT OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF REMOTE-CONTROLED (ROBOTIC) MEANS (COMPLEXES) OF DEMINING http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302245 <p><em>The results of theoretical studies on improving the classification of remotely controlled (robotic) means (complexes) of demining are presented. The analysis of scientific approaches to the development of the classification of weapons and military equipment, in particular ground remote-controlled (robotic) means (complexes), was carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of object classification methods are defined, the expediency of their application is substantiated depending on the purpose of classification. Based on the faceted method, an improved classification of remotely controlled ( robotic ) means (complexes) of demining is proposed.</em></p> Volodymyr Kryvtsun Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 62 70 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302245 MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL ERROR OF THE MEANS OF MEASURING THE GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FIREARMS BORES http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302247 <p><em>The parameters of the optical scheme of a laser triangulation sensor, whose deviation from their nominal (calculated) values will affect the transformation function, are determined. It is shown that the presence of a technological error during the processing of measurement information will be perceived as an apparent change in the measured value with a constant input signal. </em></p> <p><em>Mathematical models of the components of technological error are obtained, which are presented in the form of error limits at the input of the measuring instrument. The expressions for determining the confidence limits of the total technological error, taking into account the correlation between its components, are substantiated. </em></p> <p><em>A quantitative assessment of the technological error for characteristic combinations of weapon parameters is carried out. The results of the quantitative evaluation are presented in the form of graphs of the dependence of the limits of relative and absolute technological error on the increase in the radius of the b</em><em>ore in the measurement range.</em></p> Oleksandr Kriukov Oleksii Mihura Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 71 81 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302247 JUSTIFICATION OF THE FORCES AND EQUIPMENT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE INVOLVED IN PERFORMING THE TASKS OF PROTECTING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AGAINST AIR TARGETS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302250 <p><em>An analysis of critical infrastructure objects, which have different levels of criticality categories, and the importance of assigning individual units to destroy air targets, was carried out. The existing objects of critical infrastructure, which are subject to protection and defense by the National Guard of Ukraine in the conditions of resistance to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, and the areas of responsibility of operational-territorial associations and military units under direct control, which carry out the protection and defense of the specified objects, were studied. The need for components of the defense system for the protection of critical infrastructure objects </em><em>by military units (units) of the National Guard of Ukraine, which perform the task of destroying enemy air targets, is considered. The organization of interaction in the general air target detection system, which is connected to the network of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, air defense units and aims to detect enemy air targets aimed at destroying the country's critical infrastructure facilities protected by the National Guard of Ukraine, is analyzed. It is proposed to define the defense sectors of the critical infrastructure object to form the necessary type and quantity of weapons and equipment necessary for the destruction of air targets both in the approaches to the object and in the distance from it.</em></p> Dmytro Lapchuk Oleksandr Onopriyenko Oleh Holovan Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 82 88 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302250 PRINCIPLES OF CREATING BATTALION TASK FORCES OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE FOR PARTICIPATION IN STABILIZATION ACTIONS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302267 <p><em>The principles of creating battalion task forces in the National Guard of Ukraine for participation in stabilization actions were proposed, their formulation, classification and systematization were carried out.</em><em>It was determined that the first group includes general principles that can also be taken as a basis during the formation of temporary organizational units to perform other tasks and functions assigned to the National Guard of Ukraine.</em><em>The second group of principles for the creation of battalion task forces includes specific principles that are characterized only for participation in stabilization actions.</em></p> Oleksii Osypenko Maksym Adamchuk Vitalii Butuzov Oleg Titov Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 89 95 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302267 CLASSIFICATION OF THE LEVELS OF MOTIVATION TO STUDY FOR CADETS OF HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302273 <p><em>The reasons for the decline in motivation to study of a certain category of cadets of higher military educational institutions are determined. Each reason is determined through classical motivation theory, analysis of statistical studies conducted in various higher education institutions, observations of personal priorities, goals, and traits of a cadet, the level of initial learning skills and basic knowledge, and the reasons for choosing a particular educational institution. Levels of motivation for learning are proposed and justified for cadets considering the specific conditions of the higher military educational institution.</em></p> Vitalii Panchenko Iryna Sydorenko Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 96 102 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302273 PROBLEMATIC ISSUES OF MODERN PRACTICE OF PROVIDING PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE TO PERSONNEL DURING COMBAT OPERATIONS AND POSSIBLE WAYS TO SOLVE THEM http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302269 <p><em>The article considers the peculiarities of implementing a study to identify problematic issues of the current practice of providing psychological assistance to the personnel of the National Guard of&nbsp; Ukraine during combat operations and to determine possible ways to solve them. The results of this study are presented.</em></p> <p><em>The expediency and relevance of identifying the existing array of problematic issues in this area and determining ways to solve them are substantiated. The algorithm of research actions, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the involved carriers of important research information, and the methods used to obtain the necessary information are revealed. </em></p> <p><em>On the basis of the data obtained from the carriers of important research information, using the methods of interviews, written surveys of experts, group discussions with combatants, studying the experience of psychological support of combat activities of the National Guard of&nbsp; Ukraine&nbsp; formations, their analysis and generalisation, a list of problematic issues of modern practice of providing psychological assistance to personnel is established. This list is presented according to the information, organisational, practical and implementation components of psychological assistance. In accordance with the nature of the identified problematic issues and the assessment of the possibilities of their solution, the author's vision of possible ways to improve the situation in this area is proposed.</em></p> <p><em>It is proposed to use the above research material as a basis for the implementation of organisational and methodological improvements in the practice of providing psychological assistance to personnel during combat operations.</em></p> Volodymyr Pasichnyk Oleksandr Kernytskyi Volodymyr Vasyshchev Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 103 110 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302269 GENESIS OF THE CONCEPT OF "PRISONER OF WAR" IN THE XX‒XXI CENTURIES http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302275 <p><em>The article is devoted to </em><em>the evolution of the meaning of the concept of "prisoner of war" from the First World War to the present day. International military law is subject to significant efforts toward codification. The author studies the legal regulation of the international status of "prisoner of war" in Ukrainian and foreign historiography. The author establishes that since the open Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian legal science has been facing the issue of mass captures of Russian combatants, as well as fighters of the private military company "Wagner" and other private companies.</em></p> Ihor Pasternak Oleksandr Salamatin Liubov Yakymynska Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 111 115 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302275 A LIST OF TACTICAL AND TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMBAT EQUIPMENT OF SECURITY FORCES PERSONNEL, WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO REGULATION http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302280 <p><em>The author formulates the contradictions that cause the inconsistency of the composition and tactical and technical characteristics of combat equipment of security (defense) forces personnel with the requirements of practice. The generalized structure of the system of combat equipment for security (defense) forces personnel is presented. On the basis of the analysis of typical scenarios of performing tasks by security forces units, the reasons influencing the choice of combat equipment elements are identified. The author substantiates the list of tactical and technical characteristics of combat equipment for security forces personnel, which are subject to regulation in order to obtain combat equipment complexes that meet the requirements of practice.</em></p> Viktor Pashchenko Oleksandr Bіlenko Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 116 127 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302280 INTERACTION BETWEEN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE AND CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302284 <p><em>The article analyses the peculiarities of interaction between civil society institutions of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine. The author substantiates the view that the current legislation does not directly define the principles of interaction between the units of the National Guard of Ukraine and civil society institutions; at the same time, the interaction is indirect, since it takes place in a three-element model, in the implementation of which the units of the National Police of Ukraine are involved. </em></p> <p><em>It is noted that in order to ensure that the interacting entities comply with the principles of legality, the rule of law, respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, partnership, etc., it is advisable to amend certain legislative acts with a view to ensuring interaction between the bodies of the National Guard of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine and public order protection groups.</em></p> Victoria Pylyp Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 128 133 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302284 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION-ANALYTICAL SUBSYSTEM FOR AN AUTOMATED TACTICAL LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302291 <p><em>An analysis of methods used by management bodies has been conducted, indicating the necessity of finding the most acceptable methodological apparatus for substantiating decisions regarding the application of units and subunits to counter armed and other provocations by the enemy in the area of ​​ combat missions performance.</em></p> <p><em>The issue of the inconsistency between the necessity of countering threats posed by the enemy's troops in the defense area of a battalion (combat order during the offensive) and the absence of a methodological apparatus that would allow to form a rational distribution of units and subunits under these conditions for conducting combat operations has been raised. </em></p> <p><em>Methods and algorithm have been proposed that enable the determination of the degree of correspondence between external informational indicators of data received at the battalion command post and&nbsp; typical i</em><em>nformational indicators</em><em> of necessary </em><em>information</em><em> for use during the decision-making process </em><em>for </em><em>the application of units and subunits, allowing timely measures to be taken </em><em>to prevent </em><em>negative consequences for the national security of the state during the combat operations conducted by units and subunits of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.</em></p> Oleksandr Semchak Valentyn Didyk Serhii Pavlenko Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 134 141 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302291 ANALYSIS OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF THE SECURITY FORCES OF UKRAINE: ASPECTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302293 <p><em>The article analyzes the current legal framework for information and analytical support of the security forces of Ukraine, as well as foreign experience in legislative approaches to information and analytical support of law enforcement agencies and special services. Improving the regulatory framework for information and analytical support of the security forces of Ukraine is key to increasing the effectiveness of national defense and security, and therefore requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account many factors that affect the security component. This is a comprehensive approach that includes legislative, technical and organizational measures.</em></p> <p><em>The problematic aspects of the regulatory framework for information and analytical support of the security forces of Ukraine and ways to overcome them are identified. </em></p> Kostiantyn Sporyshev Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 142 149 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302293 CERTAIN RISKS OF MOBILIZATION DRAFT LAWS AND THEIR POSSIBLE IMPACT ON THE MILITARY SECURITY OF UKRAINE http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302295 <p><em>The article analyzes the draft laws No. 10378, 10378-1, 10378-2, 10378-3, 10378-4</em><em> &nbsp;and No. 10449 registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in December 202 ‒</em><em> January 2024, aimed at improving the existing mechanisms of mobilization and increasing the military reserve for the defense forces. The registered mobilization bills identify certain risks that may negatively affect the state of military security and defense capability of the country in the future. The risks of expanding the possibilities of conscription during the mobilization of convicts, suspects, and those accused of committing criminal offenses, as well as the risks of demobilization, have been identified. Proposals for amendments and additions to the draft law</em><em> No.</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;10449 of 30.01.2024, the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", and the Criminal Code of Ukraine were formulated to minimize the impact of these risks on the state of military security of</em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;Ukraine.</em></p> Oleksii Tytarenko Oleksandr Kriachkor Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 150 156 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302295 REQUIREMENTS AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE TRAINING OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE OPERATORS FOR THE UNITS OF THE STATE BORDER SERVICE OF UKRAINE http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302300 <p><em>Based on the generalization of the experience of participation of military units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in performing tasks related to the defense of the s</em><em>tate, the article formulates requirements and proposes methodological approaches to training of operators of mini-class unmanned aerial vehicles (FPV-drones), which will make it possible to organize targeted training of FPV-drone operators not only in the training centers of the border guard agencies, but also directly in the units and on the basis of relevant volunteer organizations. </em></p> Anatolii Fedorchuk Viktor Zalozh Denys Bambuza Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 157 162 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302300 LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE REGULATION OF THE STATE OF WAR IN UKRAINE http://chiz.nangu.edu.ua/article/view/302302 <p><em>The article highlights some problematic issues of legal regulation of the state of war in Ukraine, existing conflicts and contradictions in Ukrainian legislation in view of the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war</em>. The author <em>proposes relevant amendments to the legal acts regulating the algorithm of actions of public authorities in the context of a real threat to national security. </em></p> Anatolii Shevtsov Copyright (c) 2024 Honor and Law https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 88 163 166 10.33405/2078-7480/2024/1/88/302302