structure, system, control body, indicator, efficiency, information provision, function, task.Abstract
Determination of main indicators and the measure of effectiveness of an organizational structure of the Ukrainian Air Force command and control (C2) system were made in this article. These indicators allow to assess the quality of the C2 structure in terms of the degree of achievement of system’s goals and completeness of implementation of management functions.
Obtained expressions for the partial and total efficiency index and identified criterion (measure) can be used by military management bodies to quantify the functional effectiveness of the management system structure: the existing and perspective. These indicators permit to compare structures and justify the need to improve the existing structure of the Air Force management system.
In this case, each of the developed and known indicators characterizes one or several characteristics of the C2 structure. Therefore, to characterize in general the management system structure, it is necessary to apply a set of developed and known indicators as a whole. As a direction for further research, the development of the effectiveness assessment methodology for the Air Force management system organizational structure can be proposed.
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