


antiterrorist security system, terrorist act, crisis situation, French experience, law enforcement agencies of special purpose


The present is increasingly showing the emergence of crisis situations. The merger of the European and Arab worlds can not take place without armed clashes - there is plenty of evidence in recent armed conflicts and terrorist acts. Unfortunately, Ukraine is not an exception to this acute problem issue. Irreversible globalization brings our state closer to the European Union. At the same time, the Russian Federation is not ready to accept Ukraine's European integration, as a result - armed aggression in the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts and the implementation of the anti-terrorist operation and the operation of the united forces.

The purpose of the paper is to carry out an analysis of the construction of the antiterrorist response system of France, the study of the National Antiterrorist Response Plan of France, and the justification on this basis of proposals for positive experience for Ukraine.

The starting point for the creation of an effective system of counterterrorist response in France was the terrorist attacks of 2015, which showed the weaknesses of the anti-terrorist system and the actual failure of the anti-terrorist units to respond effectively to several terrorist attacks simultaneously, including jointly conducting counter-terrorism measures. Therefore, there was a need to increase the effectiveness of counter-terrorism response throughout the state. Based on the foregoing, France's experience in responding to terrorist threats is unique and requires further study.

The experience of establishing a National Antiterrorist Response Plan for France is very useful for Ukraine. Particular attention is required to consider the first part of the anti-terrorist plan, which defines the integration of anti-terrorist units in the national system.

It is important that the police and gendarmerie patrols who regularly carry out public order duties on the territory of France take immediate steps to stop the terrorist act and minimize civilian casualties at the third level of counter-terrorism response. This experience is very appropriate for the forces of law enforcement in Ukraine, and therefore it is expedient to carry out additional training in the system of training for the response of the units of the patrol police and the National Guard of Ukraine to terrorist threats, as well as equipping them with new samples of weapons, equipment, means of communication Armored vehicles.

It is considered appropriate for the representatives of the National Gendarmerie of France to provide counterterrorist preparations for the second and first level of counter-terrorism response to certain special-purpose detachments of the National Guard of Ukraine in the following areas: conducting special operations on the release of hostages in buildings and various types of transport; planning and conducting of antiterrorist measures, etc.

No less important is the second part of the Antiterrorist Plan, which is devoted to the interaction of counter-terrorism response units and optimization of their capabilities. The course of the antiterrorist operation in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (namely, the execution of military and combat tasks through special operations and counter-dive struggles) also revealed similar issues of organization of interagency cooperation. Therefore, it is appropriate to refine, on the basis of studying the experience of France, the mechanism of interagency cooperation between the special units of the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and the military service of law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this case, it is necessary to introduce the experience of the prefect of the department (a representative of local government) in the management of a special operation on the organization of interagency cooperation.

Directions of further research will be directed on perfection of the existing system of antiterrorist security of the population of Ukraine.


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