efficiency of using machines in patrolling, performance indicators, technical readiness coefficient, vehicle fleet utilization rate, coefficient of use of working time, coefficient of running mileage, coefficient of use of load-carrying capacity, speed of movement, average daily mileage and productiAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance of the determination of the efficiency of the use of auto-armored vehicles by units of the National Guard of Ukraine during the protection of public order in peacetime. For the successful solution of military and combat tasks, it is necessary to maximize the use of road transport capabilities and evaluate the effectiveness of military automotive equipment. In the next time, for such an account and evaluation of the work, the technical state of the automotive technology are apply special indicators of the work of motor transport, which are the numerical expression of the meters or their relation, are the coefficient of technical readiness; coefficient of use of the vehicle fleet; coefficient of use of working time; coefficient of running mileage; coefficient of use of load-carrying capacity; speed of movement; the average daily mileage and productivity of cars do not allow an overall assessment of the level of effectiveness of the use of military vehicles during patrolling. Therefore, there was a need to obtain a generalized coefficient of effectiveness of patrolling during the protection of public order in peacetime. Proposed as an indicator of the efficiency of the use of military automotive equipment, during the protection of public order in peacetime, use a comprehensive indicator it’s a generalized coefficient of effectiveness of patrolling, and determine the direction of increasing the efficiency of the use of auto-armored vehicles.References
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