
  • A. V. Fedorchuk



indicator, criterion, border guard subdivision, the probability of detection, advantage parameter, the importance of the object, the specified probability of completing the task


A generalized methodology has been created to make the usage of border units the most effective in a special period, as well as carry out tasks during the Joint Forces Operation. It is based on established indicators, criteria and models for assessing the effectiveness of border guard detachments at their usage in a special period.

This methodology includes the most rational variants of usage of forces and means for performing border officers` missions of covering fire.

According to the criteria, the comprehensive indicator for performing the tasks of covering fire is the probability of completing the task, which in turn should be no less than the generally stated level in probability indicator.

The components of the probability of performing the task of covering fire consist of two parts: the probability of enemy detection (which should also be no lower than the general level) and the winning probability of the border guards in a military collision.

The probability of enemy detection depends on the reliability of technical means used for observation, as well as the theoretical probability of target detection with help of technical observation devices and coefficient of overlapping the areas of responsibility. The probability of winning a combat battle depends on the advantage parameter, which should be larger or equal to the general level (in the case when there is parity in power and facilities with the enemy) and the importance of the object, which in turn affects the number of allocated resource.

In accordance to the proposed comprehension criteria it can be concluded: if the probability of performing the task of artillery covering fire is less than a general level, then, in turn, there is a need to attract additional forces and means on the given directions.


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