legal grounds, National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, military units of Ukraine, interaction, interaction factorsAbstract
The practice of reacting the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine to the latest crisis situations shows that the implementation of tasks by law enforcement agencies and military formations is impossible without effective interagency cooperation. Therefore, reforms are being introduced at the National Guard of Ukraine aimed at a new organization of NATO structures and units.
The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of the legal basis of the concept of "interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies and military formations of Ukraine".
The article found that, despite the widespread use of the term "interaction", there is no conventional definition for it today. Although the term is widely used both in theory and in practice, it reveals the content and nature of the joint efforts of law enforcement agencies and military formations in the tasks they face. The diversity of views allows us to speak about the lack of conceptualization of the concept of interaction, which is rooted in the diversity of its content and purpose.
It is determined that the main components of the interaction between law enforcement agencies and military formations are meaningful and procedural. The content of interaction is a specific and specific set of law enforcement, legal and other relations. The procedural component is expressed in the style of interaction, which indicates how the law enforcement officer interacts with the environment.
It is substantiated that the interaction of the National Guard with the law enforcement agencies and military units of Ukraine is not a duty, but a duty of this body. That is why the article proposes corresponding amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine” and provides author's definition of interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies and military formations of Ukraine.
The areas of further scientific exploration will be directed to the development of the legal framework for the organization of interagency cooperation between the components of the security and defense sector.
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