accurate fire, individual approach, accurate fire training, method of accurate fire training, psychological motivation of shooter, psychological readiness of shooterAbstract
Approaches to training in accurate fire in the armed forces of the leading countries and The Armed Forces of Ukraine are considered in the article. The marksmanship training has great relevance to The Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account the conduct of military operations in the east of Ukraine and the transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to training using NATO standards. The comparison of basic rifle marksmanship system of The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the USA was conducted. The innovations which have been tested and widely used in basic rifle marksmanship system by German, US. British, Swiss and Belgian militaries are analyzed in the article. The stages of instructor’s work in marksmanship and the effectiveness of individual approach and accurate fire training are given. The measures and means of psychological influence that are used by marksmanship instructors of the armed forces of the USA to form the psychological stability and readiness of the shooter to execute the shoot are considered. The differences between initial shooting exercise of basic rifle marksmanship of The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the USA which can significantly affect the outcome of training is analyzed. Examples and the procedure of using electronic shooting trainer for forming of strong accurate fire skills, the development of uniformity of shooting and error-corrections of shooter when shooting are offered. The results of experiment on implementation of an individual approach to training the shooting are shown. On the basis of the analysis approaches to basic rifle training, the method of combining the existing system of training shooting with methods of training shooting of foreign armies which will improve the efficiency of marksmanship training of The Armed Forces of Ukraine without increasing ammunition consumption.
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