national security of Ukraine, security and defense sector, public administration, national security as an object of public administrationAbstract
The article emphasizes that the issues of ensuring national security in Ukraine became relevant only in the conditions of a real threat to national sovereignty, although a number of preconditions took place in advance.
The preconditions for the formation of the national concept of security administration and the formulation on this basis of scientifically sound proposals for further intelligence in the field of organization of public administration in the field of national security of Ukraine are determined. The phenomenon of “security” is considered as a complex multilevel and structured social phenomenon. It is emphasized that within the national concept, “security” should stand out as a kind of characteristic and a necessary prerequisite for the vital activity, progressive development and viability of real-world objects.
A number of works devoted to the conceptual, organizational, legal and institutional principles of development and implementation of state national security policy, as well as the organization of democratic civilian control over the activities of the security sector are analyzed.
It is stated that the disclosure of the meaning of “security” in the strategic documents of the modern Ukrainian state occurs through the description of “threats” to such “security”, which, in turn, is a manifestation of security administration technologies based on threats. Remarks on the expediency of transition to other technologies, including the ability-based administration were made. Taking into account the current challenges, some models of changes in the national security system are considered.
It is concluded that the modern understanding of the essence of national security should include a broad understanding of the category of “security” and ways to address issues related to its provision. It is emphasized that the methodology of solving security issues on the basis of basic values and own capabilities of the security and defense sector should become the basis for the formation and construction of national security policy of Ukraine, as well as the subject of further research in security administration technologies.
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