
  • O. Kryvenko
  • Sha. Klibanskyi
  • V. Ihnatenko
  • V. Hryniak



intelligence support, National Guard of Ukraine


In the article the main functions of the National Guard of Ukraine, which require intelligence support were analyzed, the meaning of the “intelligence and information support” concept for the National Guard of Ukraine was determined, also, proposals for problem issues regulatory settlement for the National Guard of Ukraine intelligence support were made.

Nowadays, there is an urgent need to settle the following issues for the National Guard of Ukraine:

1. Due to the Armed Forces of Ukraine reformation and redistribution of the functions between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the issue of the National Guard of Ukraine subordination during the introduction of legal regime of martial law requires a clear definition and making appropriate amendments to the regulatory documents.

2. The issue of the existence of reconnaissance and intelligence units in the military authorities and military units of the National Guard of Ukraine which perform tasks within the limits of the authorities defined by the law is indisputable, but requires regulatory issues settlement.

This issue can be settled by making the amendments in the Law of Ukraine “On the National Guard of Ukraine” in terms of granting the rights and authorities to perform the intelligence and reconnaissance tasks by the National Guard intelligence and reconnaissance units.

3. Сurrently, the top priority tasks for regulatory settlement of the National Guard of Ukraine intelligence and reconnaissance units functioning are:

National Guard intelligence and information support doctrine development;

National Guard intelligence and information support and reconnaissance operations field manuals and guidelines development; textbooks and manuals on the intelligence and reconnaissance operations development.


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