
  • B. Borodin
  • S. Pavlov



military management, cyclical nature of military-administrative process, methods of management evaluation, quality and efficiency of military management


The problem of the efficiency of military management evaluation has been solved for a long time exclusively through the degree of achievement of the military goal.

That is why the achievement of the military goal at any cost practice has existed that as a usual thing was attended by numerous loss of life.

The demand for expansion of managerial effectiveness estimation criteria through evaluation of military management qualitative parameters arises.

The expediency arguments of management qualitative parameters evaluation by the expert judgment method is listed in the article.

A version of military-administrative activity of the National Guard of Ukraine officer’s qualitative parameter evaluation methods at the tactical level are offered on the grounds of theoretical analysis and practical experience.

Qualitative parameters are:

DS is data support, IC is information collation, STD is simulation and taking decisions, PL is professionalism and preparedness of the leaders, CS is communications system, ME is management effectiveness.

Each of the parameters characterizes the complexity of certain highlights. Their composition can be changed by the researcher in compliance with the particularity of law protection activity. Conformity of the actual performance indicator to normative one is evaluated by the points from 1 to 5. There are 5 such significations at the parameter. So, the maximum number of points for each parameter is 25 points. The maximum amount of points of complex quantitative indices of effectiveness can reach 150 points. The level that is lower than 100 points is low.   The intermediate levels are symbolically divided into satisfactory – from100 to 120, good – from 121 to 140 and excellent – from 141 to 150 points.

The suggested variant of the methods provides a sufficient level of the objectivity of management quality evaluation on the grounds of expert judgment of achieved management results complex adjusted for achieved quality significations of management activity.


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