, service-combat activity, theory of service-combat activity, subject of research of the theory of service-combat activity, functions of the theory of service-combat activity, structure of the theory of service-combat activityAbstract
The article summarizes and systematizes a set of scientific areas and theories that form the basis of the theory of service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine.
Based on the status of the National Guard of Ukraine as a military formation with law enforcement functions, its compliance with the principles of law enforcement and martial arts is noted, and the main directions of its development are the system of national security of Ukraine and military science. Therefore, the basis of the theory of service and combat activities of the National Guard of Ukraine is the provisions of the theory of military science and the theory of science of national security of Ukraine, in particular the theory of military security, public safety, state security and state border security.
The place of the theory of service and combat activity of the National Guard of Ukraine in the system of scientific knowledge and the structure of such theory as a set of theories: scientific bases of theories, branch national security sciences, general theory of service and combat activity which includes theories: service and combat application, construction, legal and military training and education theory of management, daily activities of formations, comprehensive support of activities, technical equipment of the National Guard of Ukraine.
The structure of the theory of service-combat application is the theory of operational art and the theory of tactics of NSU. In addition, the methodology of research of the National Guard of Ukraine, the theory of military organizations of different levels, the theory of integrated military organization in the form of interdepartmental or departmental grouping of troops (forces) are included in the composition.
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