practical shooting, fire training, tactical use of weapons, training of security and defense sector personnelAbstract
The fire training section is an important component of the special training of future officers of the security and defense sector of our state. In order to develop the components of tactical thinking, improving the small group skills of firearms in terms of operational and combat missions, improving knowledge of the legal basis for the use of firearms there is a need to optimize and improve the types and methods of courses in fire training.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of an optimized approach in the curriculum using a training system for practical shooting, what improves the methods of training future law enforcement officers in the fire training section.
Psychological confidence of working with weapons is formed by regular training in conditions as close as possible to combat. An insecure, indecisive worker can let a colleague down in a critical situation, get injured or die during a fire contact.
The uniqueness of practical shooting is that the conditions of competition in this sport are as close as possible to the conditions of the actual use of firearms. In other words, the shooter must be able not only to quickly get the weapon out of the holster, make the first shot, but also hit the target with each bullet sent as quickly as possible.
Another important and at the same time complex problem is formation of the motives for sports or educational activities, including worldview, as the most stable motive. The positive dynamics of sports activity in this direction is played by the heads of institutions (organizations), who are the main motivator in the formation of own principles and views of the athlete, team and coach on all issues of this kind of sport.
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