regulations, guard, security, legality, ensuring human rightsAbstract
The article examines the legal acts regulating the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine to ensure civil security. The essence of such activity is analyzed and the corresponding concept is defined, and ways of optimizing the functioning of the corresponding institution are also proposed.
The National Guard of Ukraine is authorized to perform its functions within the limits and in the manner prescribed by law. One of the functions of the relevant body is to ensure public safety, which is an element of the legal status of man and citizen, as well as the national security of the state. However, taking into account the systemic state transformations, the transformation of the National Guard of Ukraine and the rapidly increasing demand of society to increase the level of security in all spheres of public life, this topic needs to be updated.
On the basis of outlining the state of legal regulation of the National Guard of Ukraine to ensure public safety, study the concept of public safety, determine its essence, analysis of the regulatory framework of the National Guard of Ukraine to ensure public safety - current legislation of Ukraine, formed certain proposals to optimize institute.
Based on the analysis of the content of regulations that determine the legal status of the National Guard of Ukraine, we can conclude that they need to be optimized. In particular, they need proper legal regulation: issues of optimizing the interaction of units of the National Guard of Ukraine with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine in the context of ensuring public safety and order; issues of improving the system of training of employees of the National Guard of Ukraine, their orientation in the process of training on human-centeredness and the need to ensure the rights and freedoms of man and citizen at a higher level and others.
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