addictive behavior, addiction, narcotic substances, servicemanAbstract
The article summarizes modern foreign research on the factors of addictive behavior of servicemen.
The theoretical study of the problem of addictive behavior of the individual formed the idea that when assessing the risk of addictive behavior in servicemen during combat missions, the factors that determine the traumatic experience should be taken into account: combat; murder; threat to one's own life; death / injury of others; crime; direct skirmishes with the enemy; injuries of colleagues; work with the dead; falling under fire from small arms; falling under mortar, missile and artillery fire; hostility from the civilian population; duration of business trip to the combat zone; low cohesion; military sexual trauma.
When performing combat missions in combat conditions, the factors that increase resistance to negative influences include: social networks (the ability to have intimacy through conversations and communication with family and friends); cohesion of the unit; professional and psychological training; support of the unit, family / friends; marital satisfaction.
It is determined that comorbidity of alcohol abuse is observed in about half of servicemen with PTSD and depression, negative feelings about not realizing themselves as a serviceman also become a predictor of addictive behavior.
It has been argued that for women in the military, the stress of being in the military is secondary to the stress of service, but it is this that determines the use of illicit drugs and alcohol.
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