service-combat use, service-combat actions, type of service-combat actions, form of service-combat actions, operative actions, special operation, rules for determining the form of actionsAbstract
The concepts of service-combat use, type and form of service-combat actions of NGU are specified. The distinctive features of classification of types and forms of its actions, conditions under which it is possible to separate one form of actions from another one are determined.
In order to determine the types, forms and methods of service and combat activities and actions of the NGU, it is necessary to know, what exactly is the activity, action, type of activity, form of activity, methods of activity (action), the relationship between the concepts of NGU activity, service-combat activity, service-combat use and actions.
The aim of the article is to clarify these concepts taking into account the latest research and provide arguments regarding the classification features of the forms of application of the NGU in the performance of tasks for the purpose.
Service and combat use of the NGU is organized as performance of service and combat tasks assigned to military units, subdivisions, military units, formations and groups of the NGU both independently and in cooperation with police, other law enforcement and military formations of the state to ensure national security and national defense.
Service and combat use of the NGU in peacetime includes service and combat operations in a planned manner in the manner of combat service (actually service actions) in the form of patrol service, guard service, convoy service and service and combat operations in emergencies (purely service and combat ) in the forms of special actions, regime-quarantine service and regime-commandant service.
Service and combat use of the NGU in wartime includes the performance of combat missions inherent in peacetime (in the form of patrol service, guard service, convoy service), and the implementation of wartime tasks in the form of regime commandant's service, special operations, combat action.
Classification of forms of action of NGU is enough to carry out on the following distinctive features: a mode of use of formations, scale of actions; duration of action, the need to use weapons.
The scale of action of the NGU significantly depends on the nature of the task, the number of forces involved and the severity of possible negative consequences in case of failure. Additional research is needed to quantify the scope of action.
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